Month: May 2013

And the Shrill gets Louder & Stupider.

The Gun Control activists do get to say stupid stuff when riled up.

MDA Starbucks“Really, Starbucks? Second hand smoke is more dangerous than a loaded gun?”
Yes. Homicides/Manslaughter/Accidental deaths by firearms are down to some 12,000 a year and according to the CDC, deaths related to second-hand smoking are in the 44,000 neighborhood. And no, I am not including suicides because those are self-inflicted and that would mean I have to add the CDC’s estimates for death linked directly to first hand smoking and the number would jump to 440,000.

Some comments on this thread are downright hilarious:

Anthony V. Thompson Combine caffeine and people with loaded guns, and you’re one grumpy customer away from a shoot-out. Especially if he can’t have a cigarette out front. And yet apparently eating their 500 calorie apple fritters everyday is healthy?

Imelda Decker I don’t waste my money on overpriced coffee but I don’t want to go into any business that allows customers to carry guns.

Barbara Kelly OK, now to publicize this all over the country. Bet most people don not even know this. I think you should start a national boycott.

I have the feeling that Moms Demand Action (A subsidiary of MAIG & Bloomberg Investments) is gonna become one of my favorite Gun Control groups.

Attention CSGV, this is how you bring Gun Crime down.

The seizures included 248 firearms, 342 grams of crack cocaine, 1,728 grams of cocaine, 634 grams of heroin, 2,874 Oxycodone pills, 576 Percocet pills, 10 Morphine pills and 15,208 grams of marijuana

via Illegal firearms, drugs seized in undercover investigation | News – Home.

So apparently this thing of targeting the criminals works. No gun control laws were passed, no demonstrations in front of the NRA HQ were necessary, no sucking up to Piers Morgan…just going after the criminals and enforcing the damn laws already in the frigging books.

Common Sense… What a concept!

Zimmerman Case Update: Prosecutor withheld evidence.

A court employee who retrieved photos and deleted text messages from Trayvon Martin’s cellphone has been placed on administrative leave after an attorney testified that prosecutors didn’t properly turn over the evidence to the defense, an attorney said Wednesday.

Former prosecutor Wesley White said he was ethically obligated to reveal that Fourth Judicial Circuit Information Technology Director Ben Kruidbos retrieved the data that weren’t turned over.

via ORLANDO, Fla.: Lawyer: Zimmerman prosecutor withheld evidence – Trayvon Martin –

This case is turning into a prosecutorial nightmare. Mark O’Mara apparently is sharp as a tack and as advertised by releasing the pics and text last week, probably obtained from the cell phone provider. Now, since the prosecution not only did not turn the evidence, but actually tried to destroy it, it creates a “reasonable doubt” on the possible and still not selected jury pool…”what are these guys not telling me/hiding from me/lying about?” It does not look well for the People that their legal representatives are outright perjuring themselves…. OK, maybe I am not using the proper terms, but you get the gist.

Let’s see if Angela Corey still has a job by the end of this year.

It is California after all….Mom reports gun at school

“There was a report that a male, white, about 18 years old, was seen approaching the school in the parking lot area with some type of object in his hand, possibly a rifle or shotgun. He was dressed in black pants, black top,” LAPD Capt. Hearn said.

via 50 officers descend on Calif. prep school after mother mistakes tripod for rifle – Washington Times.

And here is the dangerous gun!

A frigging tripod that the Mom probably with one too many appletinis on her way to get her prescription for medicinal pot confused with an AK-47.

There has to be something in the water over there.

The Antis… violent!

“Maybe if a few more armed camps of hayseed nut jobs like the Waco davidians are obliterated, the rest will get the fucking message.”

The above quote came out a Facebook discussion about a person I consider the latest attention whore: Adam Kokesh. If you haven’t heard about him, you are not missing much.

Mr. Kokesh had advanced the idea of gathering a bunch of people armed with rifles and invading Washington D.C. as a manner of protest. (OK, you can stop laughing now.) Apparently and not unexpectedly, Kokesh had a change of heart and decided it might be a wise thing to do a march like that now that he had gathered enough attention to himself to satisfy his “whoredeness.”

That was the theme of the discussion in that Facebook thread and the quote was from one of the Rabid Anti Gunners in the exchange. Notice his choice of word: Obliterated. Not brought to justice, not retained or detained or even killed. Nope he wants us obliterated.

Webster defines obliterate as:

a: to remove utterly from recognition or memory
b: to remove from existence : destroy utterly all trace, indication, or significance of

The author of the quote wishes us to be Unpersons. Erased from both existence and memory, a charming wish from one of those who profess open-mindedness and understanding for all creatures big and small (Republican and libertarians not included. Dogma must be followed at all times without questioning. All taxes apply.)

He is the reason we have a Second Amendment. I doubt he will ever have the balls to actually try to vaporize us himself, but he wouldn’t mind subcontracting the job to somebody else via legislation.


Making your own safety procedures at work.

I wish I could tell where I work but I cannot for obvious reasons. I will only go as far as say that the neighborhood is not the best in Miami, the clientele is not the most upstanding and the company itself is stuck in 1950s security concepts.

The last months have been somewhat tense. Rumors of a buyout affected both busy working bees and clients, a co-worker was not all there but since he had a disability, nobody wanted to touch that potential Federal lawsuit. There was also tension between clients and management about new fees and procedures that resulted in more than one shouting match and ball-busting activities that continue as we speak plus the usual thievery from the less-than-neighborly neighbors.

The shouting match is the first I wan to bring to the table. I was not present at the incident, but as I was informed, a client had some disparaging words projected against a fellow co-worker and the gentleman apparently responded in kind plus added a few choice words of his own. Things got so bad that management was called to the scene and the initial offender was sent on his way. Later that week I was told that a new procedure was to be implemented if a similar case happened again and that was to call for immediate back-up and overwhelm the offender with “presence,” the more the merrier. Foolish me who thought that the proper use of Customer Service techniques and other tools to initiate a de-escalation would be the proper answer in the litigious XXI Century! And of course the fact that if the affected party feels threatened by a sudden influx of bodies with aggressive stances leading to an obvious disparity of forces, such party may think the use of deadly force might be necessary. It goes without saying that if the call for “Somebody is calling me bad names, I need back up” call comes over the radio, I will take a long frigging tome to arrive to the scene and will only do so after locating my fat persona behind hard cover. I am not getting paid to be a bully or a receptacle for projectiles.

The second incident was related to the above-mentioned Co-Worker that was not all there. As with any other human group, people with disabilities have their fair share of jackasses. Some of them make it a point to be enhanced jackasses when they use their disability as a tool to obtain special privileges, bypass rules and regulations and just be jackasses. Long story short, Co-Worker was initially miffed that certain duties were not assigned to him even though his disability not only precluded him from dong them but they could be downright dangerous. His douchbaggery soon had the rest of the team members literally hating his guts and avoiding him like the plague since he was also of very quick temper sporting a huge chip on his shoulder and that led to a couple of incidents with that could have ended exchanging blows or worse. Apparently the “pressure” of not being treated as a the badass he saw himself as was so bad, he suddenly quit one night before mid-shift.

I heard about the quitting some 30 minutes after it happened from other co-workers. What worried me was the comments Co-Worker said as he was leaving: “You are all against me, this is a fucking conspiracy” and “You all are gonna pay for this shit.”  Needless to say I decided to increase not only my awareness during the reminder of the shift, but also increased my ability to respond to any possible situation with the proper tools for the job (And the answer to your question is no, they are not allowed by the company and yes, it is legal.) Neither my fellow coworkers nor management were worried about the threats and pretty much did not give a second though at the probability that former Co-Worker could come back to assess revenge for the perceived mistreatment. Unfortunately I am not surprised since this workplace is not fond on spending time or money on preparedness or even have a basic Emergency response procedures….. and don’t even peek inside the First Aid kit or you will cry.

After such a long introduction my questions are: Do you have your own safety procedures at work beside the ones implemented by the company? Are you flexible/cunning enough to carry them out without management realizing it in case they contravene policy? Do you have your own personal (as in carrying with you) First Aid kit? Do you happen to know the average response time for police and rescue from 911 call to arrival at your location? And most importantly, do you have the training to achieve a basic response that will give you a fighting chance to survive the incident at hand?

Asses the risks and prepare for them. Your first responsibility is to yourself and your family.