It is dawning on me that people are panicking because they have the firm belief that once you catch the virus, you will die or be maimed for life because a human body is not supposed to be a host for virus or bacteria.

Let me say that again: They believe they do not carry any virus or bacteria inside their bodies.

What is gonna happen to them when they find out they are full of them, including some nasty stuff  like smallpox? Lord knows what kinds of bugs I got when i was living in South America that are still running in my blood or deposited somewhere inside, plus all the vaccinations I got.

And speaking of vaccinations, what do they think is inside they annual flu shot? Vitamin C and Zicam? And please, you health but, put down that cup of Greek yogurt, you are eating bacteria by the spoonful and already have a bunch of them in your digestive tract!

You got infected, your body fought it and if you survived and developed immunity.  That was the old school, literally what we were taught in the last century. But this being the era of the Vaxxer, I fear that people think everything is nice and clean inside without any risk of peritonitis if a perforation occurs.

Maybe I am wrong. I have been wrong before as my wife keeps telling me every day.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

12 thoughts on “About the Kung-Flu infection panic.”
  1. Back during the “flesh-eating bacteria” panic, I remarked to my mom that the problem was people not cleaning wounds and keeping them clean. In a newspaper article on it, after the jump, there it was: “doctor’s recommend washing cuts with soap and hot water”.


  2. Miggy,
    If your analysis is correct, and most people are unaware of all the non-human cells and molecules, with non-human DNA and RNA bits and pieces being sidelined or destroyed by our immune systems… it speaks volumes about public education.

  3. Last I checked, in the average human body the “human” cells are outnumbered by the bacterial cells…

  4. It is really a fear of the unknown that drives many of the MASK MASK MASK! screaming people

    Risk assessment is always about the probability of the event verse the magnitude of the event.

    I.e. People don’t have a hard time betting a dollar on 2 in 3 (66% chance) of winning two dollars. The person offering the bet is going to loss money. Offer those same people the same chance of either getting their house paid off or losing their house, they won’t take it. Odds are the same, magnitude of the event is much larger. Therefore the risk is much higher.

    With the CCP Virus we have a number of factors at work:
    1) How contagious is this thing?
    2) How deadly is this thing?
    3) How debilitation is this thing?

    So we were told it was extremely contagious and that there was a high risk of death and if there were too many cases at once, the risk of death went up.

    Therefore, we need to slow the spread. Reduce #1. We were then told that certain actions reduce the spread. Wearing a mask keeps you from getting the CCP virus. Opps, no, wearing a mask keeps them from getting the CCP Virus. Keeping your distance will keep you from getting the CCP virus. But going to a china town doesn’t increase your risk.

    Today there have been so many errors, retractions, restatements, “well we were wrong BUTs” that it is hard to believe anything any more.

    So we went into this with #1 and #2 in mind. We did our risk assesments on #1 and #2 and some people have one evaluation and others have a different. Some people believe with all their hearts that you not wearing a mask is bad and others thing it does nothing at all.

    But now there is #3 out there. And people are panicking about #3. Well the CCP didn’t actually KILL you but that’s not really a good thing, because you are now going to have life long health issues.

    What the Heck? Life Long? How can you know when we haven’t been dealing with this for even a year. You might think it is life long, and the indicators are that it is long term.

    When I had pneumonia it took almost two years for me to recover. And that was when I was 50 lbs lighter and much more active.

    My lady is now more concerned about “long term issues which we don’t know about and we don’t know how prevalent it is and and and” than she is about the morbidity rate.

    They moved the goal posts.

    And they make every death a indictment of “opening the schools” or “opening the economy” without any level of context applied.

    1. Some of us *ahem* just like going around wearing masks while humming supervillain theme music … and now we, um, they have a perfect excuse.

      Or so I’m told.

    2. “Well the CCP didn’t actually KILL you but that’s not really a good thing, because you are now going to have life long health issues.”

      Like what? How prevalent are these issues? Percentage of people who catch the virus will have what issues? And, exactly how bad can the lifelong issues be?
      Oh, that’s right. None of the fearmongers can answer those questions. Most likely because they do not have any idea what the real impacts might actually be.

      1. This is exactly my point. You and I look at that long list of unknowns and say “ok, worse case is death at these odds. You tell me there is something less harmful then death and less likely to happen. I’m good with the risk, leave me alone”

        My lady and the panic crowd say “no, no, no. Not known the answers to those questions means we have to wait! We can’t risk it!”

        Our family risk assessment is that the kids can go back to school if the risk is the same or less than teenage driving. We are at that point. My lady has now thrown in the extra of “we don’t KNOW the risk of CCP virus because we don’t know the long term health issues. They can’t go back”

        Moving goal posts

  5. This is what really bothered me with the story they were trying to push about how this was a new virus, and our bodies wouldn’t know what to do with it. It’s going to destroy it like it does to any other infection 99.9% of the time. They were acting like it was something completely alien, when it’s from the same family as the common cold.

  6. I been out in it since day one. No mask. No changing my habits 5 days a week for work in big box petri dishes. No symptoms no wu hoo boo hoo…. Im STILL here. Now they made it “mandatory “ to wear a mask. I pull it off once i get to what im working on. And people fiddle and touch masks on they face 400 times more than they touch bare faces. Stupidity driven by ignorance fear.

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