This is a video the still does not show the actual shooting, but you do not need to be  an expert to appreciate the moment.

The vehicle involved comes from the right of the screen and turns right suddenly facing the “peaceful protesters”. They swarm the car and one of the crowd has an AK slung across his chest?

I know, it is an AK-type

Stupid move.

UPDATE: Video of the deceased prior to the event.

Not what he expected.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

15 thoughts on “Austin BLM shooting: Another Angle (UPDATE)”
  1. Top Cop just said dead rioter pointed AK at driver that had gotten stuck in the midst of the riot. Rioters started beating on the car and then Fool pointed AK at driver. Driver had a license to carry and fired on him. As the car sped away, another license to carry person fired at the fleeing car. Both LTC holders reported to cops and NEITHER WAS ARRESTED. BTW the shootee was a white boy.

    1. “Neither was arrested”. That’s disturbing; if the facts were as you describe them, the second of those two was clearly in the wrong.

  2. Here again a good example of situational awareness. People dont look far enough ahead of thier vehicle and drive into the middle of a clusterfuk. Then are forced to use deadly force OR deadly force is used on them. By now you would think people would know where these idiots are “protesting” and stay the fuk away. Bet his last thought was “ someone else is more prepared than me”

  3. From 2nd hand reports from people that knew Foster. There is a video from a side angle that shows that his hands were both on the wheelchair handles. His weapon comes up over the one handle of the wheelchair and ends up pointing at the car.

    Regardless, his weapon pointed at a person afraid for his life. Foster won a bullet for muzzling somebody.

    Most of the videos do not show his hands down.

    Make sure your weapon is under control. Don’t let it muzzle others.

  4. In a lot of ways, I blame the news media for these deaths. If this idiot had not been all “peaceful protest” indoctrinated, he might not have chosen to open carry. And, he might not have even showed up. (Speculating obviously).

    I heard about a woman killed a few weeks ago, and she was definitely of the opinion that the protest was just that, a protest. When she and her friend found out it was more of a riot, they tried to get out of there. Unfortunately, she caught a bullet for her naivety.

    Not making excuses for this idiot, but if the social media, and the mainstream news did not provide lie after lie about these riots, a lot less innocent people would be showing up, and getting hurt.

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