In case you missed the news, a black man was shot by police after attacking them with a knife.

Biden attempted to pander to the Black Community by supporting the man to attacked the police with a weapon.

Of course riots happened.  During the riots, t

Woke Leftist antisemitism.

Jews can support the Left but the Left will always turn in them.  Always.


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By J. Kb

8 thoughts on “BLM goes after Jews in Philly and Biden supports it”
  1. “Walter’s life mattered.”

    To who, exactly? Certainly not to Walter. Not in any meaningful way.

    When people actually value their lives, when they value their family and friends, they do not get wrapped up in crime and drugs. People who value their lives want to be there for friends and family. They want to be active participants in the lives of their children, spouse, significant other. They want to contribute positively to their neighborhoods, and employers.

    What exactly did Walter do to demonstrate that his life mattered to him?

    1. I’m wondering if these thugs see the BLM crowd turning other thugs into martyrs and are deciding that its easier to be a martyr than to change their lives. Are they doing it as a way to give their family and friends a source of income they can’t get lwgally otherwise?

      Kind of how the Palestinian auyhority pays an allowance to the family of ‘martyrs’ killed in the commission of a terror attack against Isreal. If you look at the stats the vast majority of the people volunteering for it are poor and the allowance is more money than they could ever put on the table otherwise.

      Or is just these thugs in the US are too drugged up and stupid to not see that attacking a cop is a terminally dumb idea?

      1. I saw a comment after one of these events: Thug has finally become a bread winner for his family, his gofundme campaign has over $1,000,000.

  2. Meanwhile, 5 people were shot and killed in Chicago this week so far. Statistically, 4 of those 5 were black. and NONE were shot by police.

    So far this year, 3520 people have been shot in Chicago. Chicago PD shot 13.

    I’ll believe black lives matter when they care about the actual killers.

    1. More pre-teen children have been killed in Chicago by local gangbangers this year than ‘unarmed black males’ by police nationwide.

    2. I’ll believe Black Lives Matter when they care about the murdered blacks who were NOT shot by police.

      To hear them talk, you’d think black people don’t die prematurely any other way. There’s no outrage over gang- and drug-related murders, no protests about drug overdoses, no mention of DUI deaths or hit-and-runs … only police-involved shootings, almost universally involving criminal suspects who violently attack police.

      I’ve said it before (and in the wrong circles, would be called a racist and cancelled), the “Black Lives Matter” message isn’t going to be taken seriously until and unless the black community is willing to step up and police their own: keeping kids off drugs and out of gangs, keeping kids in school to graduation, mentoring young adults, fathers raising their kids, parents staying together, etc.

      Some of that will necessarily need to come from outside — e.g. ending subsidized (via SNAP and TANF benefits) broken families, equity in criminal sentencing (which is a legitimate problem), and steering kids toward STEM and/or business degrees and professions instead of “Racial/Gender Studies” — but most could start now. The black community could “catch up” within a generation, but they choose to perpetuate the cycle.

      Those would contribute to real racial equality. It’s telling that “Black Lives Matter” isn’t discussing any of them, instead focusing entirely on police shooting black criminal suspects, and business practices pushing a “blacks first/only” mentality when it comes to hiring, promotion, start-up loans, patronage, etc.

      As if “blacks first/only” is objectively any less racist.

      1. As a follow-up, regarding keeping kids off drugs, out of gangs, and in school to graduation:

        How many ads have you all seen, how many stories have you read, in which “I’m the first in my family to graduate high school” or “I’m the first in my family to go to college” is a primary theme?

        If community support of young people isn’t a problem, how is it that after 100 years of compulsory public education this is still a common theme? How the Hell do so many families have that as part of this generation’s story, if the black community and culture aren’t allowing it? I mean, the segregated schools of 60 years ago had better graduation rates! (Not saying that segregation was OK, just that back then education was valued.)

        Segregating schools was “systemic racism”. De-valuing education and families within a community isn’t.

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