So after searching the webs, I found out that fox urine is supposed to be a good repellent for possum and other critters.  The instructions recommend to spread the powder where you don’t want the little animals to be, but you need to reapply after a rain.

It is summer in South Florida, we have daily rains in 8 hour cycles.

So I decided to put to good use these little containers the missus bought (I asked permission first), drilled a bunch of holes in them and the idea is to be like those aromatherapy containers that allow their smells to be released without having to be touched.

Following the warnings, I donned on gloves and went outside to work with the powder. I got ready and opened the can and removed the seal… Do you know the stories you see about the lady living alone in a house full of cats with one sandbox that has not been cleaned since the Obama administration? Worse.

I turned on the floor fan so the smell would flow away from me, spooned the Death-To-Nostrils granulated crap in the containers and sealed them. I ran like bunny to the preplanned locations, dropped a container in each and went back to the table to close the effing Devil’s ass breath can.  Sweet Lord that thing stinks.

Hopefully this will reroute the possum away from my backyard.  With my luck, the darned marsupial is gonna treat it like catnip.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “Chemical warfare against the possum initiated”
  1. Fox urine worked to keep the possums and squirrels out of our garden. But yes, you do have to reapply after rain, and yes, it does stink like hell! (Once it’s deployed it’s not so bad, but the uber-concentrate in the container is BAD!)

    We stopped needing it after we deployed GSD in its place. 😉

    Good luck!

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