Moms Demand Action posted a Fox News piece on their Facebook page, that couldn’t make the state of National Concealed Carry any clearer.

It’s New York and California (and a few other Blue places) that are holding this up.

The followers of MDA rushed to prove this in the comments.

Yeah, why should New York give full faith and credit to lesser states on gun laws?

How dare the law abiding gun culture of the Deep South and Midwest be respected by the Coastal Elite.

You can feel the condescension drip out of these people in the way they object to bringing the full promise of Heller, McDonald, and Moore v. Madigan to fruition.

If national CCW is passed (and the GOP better pass it after screwing the pooch on Obamacare) I wonder what these states will do?  These are of course the same areas the call the rest of us racist for objecting to when they wantonly violate immigration laws.


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By J. Kb

2 thoughts on “Couldn’t be clearer”
  1. Ah, yes, Georgia’s “Guns Everywhere” law. Even my normally-well-informed, not-anti-gun aunt who lives in Massachusetts actually thought it allowed guns “everywhere.” I dunno how many times I’ve had to dispel this misconception — I’ve stopped counting.

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