Desperate people do desperate and asinine stuff. This bon mot fresh from the Cult Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence’s Facebook Page:

CSGV Carpenter


“good gun laws in Connecticut helped avert “.. Now what laws were responsible? “assault Weapons” registration? Magazine Capacity limits? Let’s read the article and see exactly what happened, shall we?

Bent on fame and exacting revenge on the people she believed responsible for her pain and isolation, police say Natalie Carpenter plotted with 19-year-old accomplice Peter Thulin to covertly sneak into Danbury High School, hold students and staff hostage and shoot “until everyone was dead.

An arrest warrant, which was unsealed by the court Tuesday, revealed Carpenter was obsessed with the 1999 Columbine School shooting, when Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, armed with guns and bombs, stormed into the school and killed 12 students and a teacher before turning the gun on themselves in the high school library. Witness accounts in the warrant also reference plans to shoot up Stratford High School.

OK, that is scary crap.

In chilling entries in a manifesto police discovered at in her Main Street apartment at Hope House, a group home for patients with mental health issues, Carpenter referred to the gunmen as “heroes” and said she wanted to “follow in their footsteps.”.

Wait…what? She is/was in a looney bin?

Police foiled the duo’s plot after two patients of Hope House in Torrington reported Carpenter and Thulin to staff members at the psychiatric facility, court records show.

So both are at a “mental facility”

A 24-year-old female patient, a friend of Thulin’s, said she was with Carpenter and Thulin in his apartment on Feb. 27, when Carpenter searched for Columbine School shooting videos on YouTube. Carpenter made several comments about wanting to “shoot up a school” because it would make her famous.

And both were babbling this killing crap to anybody within hearing range so somebody drops the dime on then (rightly so) and get arrested.

And the closest we have to “Gun Law” related is this:

Carpenter and Thulin went to Tactical Arms, a city gun store on Migeon Avenue, and attempted to purchase a 12-gauge shotgun.

When that didn’t work, Carpenter went to Walmart and filled out paperwork to purchase a shotgun or rifle and was told she had to wait two weeks while paperwork was processed to confirm she was a U.S. citizen since she was adopted from Lithuania.

I have to call foul on the adoption thing:

The Child Citizenship Act of 2000, effective February 27, 2001 grants an adopted child, immigrating to the United States, “automatic” citizenship.
Official Social Security Website

So basically they screwed up in the paperwork (my take) and they babbled about their plans till somebody told authorities…but according to CSGV, it was the gun laws of the State Of Connecticut (more likely post Sandy Hook) that saved the day.

But when you are desperate, you grasp at the straws found in the stables where they keep the magic unicorns.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “CSGV: Reaching Exalted Delusions.”
  1. I don’t know of a single Walmart in CT thats sells guns. It is also worth noting that if this happened before 4/1/2014 then the new laws that require a permit or eligibility permit to purcjase a long gun were not on effect yet. So she would have had to wait the mandatory 14 days just like in the past to purchase a long gun without a pistol permit or hunting license. I’m smelling bs in this reporting or at the very least someone willfully or accidentally got their facts wrong.

  2. Now, it’s entirely possible a clueless clerk told her she had to have her citizenship confirmed because she listed a birthplace outside the US. The clerk at a GOOD gun store (much less the guy at the Sporting Goods counter of WalMart) just might not be aware of the minutia of immigration and naturalization law.

    But as a naturalized citizen (even under the automatic provision for adoptees), doesn’t INS issue an ID along with the Certificate of Naturalization that she’s supposed to carry around?

  3. Its sad to admit when you personally know this loon. I went to highschool with her. Helped her out and remeber when she was put in the looney bin.all that i say say about her is that her and her omder sister are nuts.they both were adopted and brought to ameeica and a few yeara prior to this their,l mother gave them up it got so bad.

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