Lately it seems I am Johnny-Come-Lately after J. Kb’s posts. We have an actor not only repeating Gun Control talking points but actually calling fans  stupid, I have to add my two cents and help him with his future reduction in income.

And the old message to artists still stands:


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Dancing Monkey believes he knows what he was told to believe”
  1. …What? The only logical end of his rambling is “Don’t own an ar15”, which is contradictory to his previous twit.

    Moot point anyway, since all this comes from a c-class actor/wrestler.

  2. An AR is exactly what I’d want to have to fend off multiple armed attackers. Dave clearly has done zero research or he would know about all the cases of citizens armed with rifles actually successfully defending their homes without being shot themselves. Including women and teenagers.

    Even if Democrats believe all the lies about Kyle Rittenhouse they should at least be able to see how effectively he was able to stop a literal mob from killing him.

    1. The likely answer is that he’s objecting to an AR15 precisely because it is effective. Remember the old saying “what is it that they want to do to us that they can only do if we’re disarmed first?”

  3. … and just like that I just wound up knocking a bunch of movies I’d like to watch off my list. Sadly that includes the new Dune flick.

  4. So what exactly DOES he think the smart choice is? A Glock? Doing nothing and hoping they go away? Engaging with badass hand-to-hand combat moves? Why an AR in particular (besides the fact that they are Evil Bad Military Grade Combat Weapons Of Murder)? Would it not be stupid if it was a 12 gauge or a 9mm? I don’t even get his point. Or maybe I should say “he’s point”.

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