There are 2 new photos this morning that I believe pretty much end the discussion about the innocence of Matthew Dolloff in the killing of  US Navy veteran Lee Keltner.

What I see with my non-professional eyes is that Dolloff had already made the decision to use deadly force against Keltner. The Veteran is not close enough nor presents an immediate danger of deadly force (No, pepper spray is not deadly force) as indicated for his body language.

Why did he shoot? My very personal guess is because he was slapped and his ego took over his brain. He was insulted in his masculinity and that could not be permitted without punishment.

A sensitive Ego is going to send Matthew Dolloff  to prison for a very long time. Not the first time I mention it in this blog, right?



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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

10 thoughts on “Denver shooting: Two new photos end the discussion?”
  1. So that’s two people on the left claiming self-defense because the people they shot had mace. In both cases, the guns came out before the mace came up.

    Does the media’s portrayal of stand your ground (vs how it actually works) factor into this, I wonder?

  2. I was talking to my lady about how the left thinks it works vs reality. They are so use to chanting a mantra and having it work that is as far as they go. “I was afraid for my life so I shot him!” Ok, so you were afraid that a guy that slapped you with an open hand and then took two or three steps back was going to cause you grave bodily harm or kill you? “YES! He had an American Flag face mask on!”

    We understand the requirement is that a reasonable person in the same situation would be afraid for their lives or fear great bodily harm. Not that you are afraid of the demons of your mind.

    It is the same stupid game they play with words. It means exactly what they mean in that moment, no more and no less, regardless of what everybody else thinks the word means.

    It is the same reason that we are sitting here saying “You be the first in line in the stack!” and they hear a death threat. It is the same as when we say “You are pushing hard and you are darn near getting the switch flipped.” and they hear a violent threat. It is the same as when we sling our weapons and march to the capital to demand our rights they hear “armed take over of the state building.” or “Threat of violence.”

    They know they would not be able to restrain themselves, as proven over and over again, and as such they project their own lack of self restraint on the world. They project.

  3. “ A sensitive Ego is going to send Matthew Dolloff to prison for a very long time.”

    I disagree. All charges will be dropped and he will get off Scott free. After all it runs counterproductive to their intended goal: making it fully legal for antifa and the far left to murder conservatives or just all citizens that oppose them for opposing them.

    Why would the state of Colorado convict someone of something they are fully in support of and if they had their way would would legalize?

    1. I am gonna disagree on your disagreement. Denver is not going to allow that “business” that is supposed to bring income to the city in the form of permit fees, be threatened by the fact that Pinkerton subcontracted an unlicensed idiot. Plus, if the family decides (and should) sue the shit out of the TV station, that is not going to be too easy to sweep under the rug and the TV station will pass the blame to the local contractor to ease the amount of fault they are gonna get socked with.
      And there is too much visual evidence. The local DA would have to come up with some serious legal contortion to dump the case or take it to a misdemeanor. I truly don’t see it unless Biden wins and pardons the asshole.
      As long as it can make a resurgence in Social and Regular Media, this case will probably be carried all the way or at least far enough.

      1. I don’t see the guy doing any time. I don’t see the TV station losing a lawsuit. They will pawn it off to Pinkerton. Pinkerton and their insurance will settle. I would also add that Biden can’t pardon anyone for state charges. That is the whole basis of NY going after Trump.

  4. There are those who believe that somebody with a weapon is a threat and will attempt to take that weapon.

    Getting slapped when trying to grab that weapon is deadly assault.

    It is a warped idea of self-defense.

    1. Toast, your observation reminds me of Kenosha.

      The Unarmed Dead Pedo was chasing the Armed Rittenhouse and if Pedo had just, you know stopped chasing him he’d still be alive. Instead, he tried to take Rittenhouse’s rifle and got shot for it*.

      The left views the possession of a weapon as the initiating assault, and the attempt to take the weapon as some kind of affirmative self-defense. “I got him before he got me.” Any resistance met is obviously unlawful, and an immediate escalation to deadly force is justified

      The right (and the law) recognizes that the attempt to take the weapon is the actual initiating assault, and depending on what a reasonable person thinks will happen after the weapon is taken, deadly force may or may not be authorized.

      No one ever thinks that the bad guy in the story is themselves.

      *There’s still a question of whether or not Pedo was shot by Rittenhouse or by someone shooting at Rittenhouse from behind, but we’ll go with the prevailing thought for now.

  5. I also thought that he may have pushed through the trigger prep and this was actually a negligent discharge. Doesn’t matter as the shooter is calming self defense. Kind of has to because otherwise it’s prison for sure. Also this is clearly not self defense. Damn good lesson for us though. Glad to know a lefty is going to pay the price and we get to learn the lesson. Condolences to the victim and his family.

  6. The picture definitely looks like he was going for gun before the mace was sprayed or even really brought to bear; this tweet here you can hear what sounds like the mace spray before the shot at around 42/43.

    Does that mean he maces in response to seeing the guy draw? According to the pics that seems to be the case. Why did he slap the guy, that remains to be determined to me.

    Why does he draw? Because the guy had the mace in hand or he feared a grab for the gun? Unless something else unfolded, I see no indication from the pics he is armed or where he might be so armed and no.

    Seems like everyone might be an asshole on this one, and I am shocked by the lack of actual video evidence. I wonder if the museum has security footage.

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