A feminist vegan cafe in Australia is fighting the Patriarchy and gender pay gap by charging men an 18% gratuity and giving women seating priority.


Supposedly, none of the men who have been charged the “tax” have complained.

I don’t believe that.

Let’s be honest here, none of the “male shaped persons” who have gone to eat at a feminist vegan cafe are in any way men.

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By J. Kb

12 thoughts on “Honesty down under”
  1. I like the “respect goes both ways ” at the end. Somehow I think the woman who made that sign would be mighty upset if she were to be treated with the same level of ‘respect’ she wishes to exercise on me.

    1. You beat me to it.

      Yea, “respect goes both ways.” My wife — and most women I know, doubly so for married ones, who almost universally have at least one son (is the 18% “man tax” applicable to all males, or just ostensible “adults”? How about teenagers? They don’t say) — would never set foot in such a place.

      If you’re going to disrespect the “traditional” family structure, be prepared for those “traditional” families to disrespect back twice as hard. By hitting in the pocketbook, of course! 🙂

      By the time the “rules” make their way all around the Book of Face, this establishment won’t have much of a customer base left.

      1. If you follow the link to the article and check out their bill of fare… let’s say I don’t think anyone who this sign would convince not to eat there, would be eating there anyway. Chick Fil A they ain’t.

  2. Men have been brought up to not argue with women. Especially when there’s no chance on it being a debate on the issues rather than emotion. So I can believe it when they claim no one has complained.
    However I’d also venture to guess that it’ll be a cold day in hell before those men ever return.

  3. I’m no expert in Australian law, but it seems to me that the Sex Discrimination Act of 1984 applies here. That law explicitly makes it “unlawful for a person who, whether for payment or not, provides goods or services, or makes facilities available, to discriminate against another person on the ground of the other person’s sex” in the same manner or same terms as you do another person. (See the Sex Discrimination Act 1984, §5 and §22, linked below.)


    1. I have a feeling, that like the women only screening of Wonder Woman, it’s illegal but no governing body would enforce the law against a “protected class.”

      Remember, the British passed laws against inciting hatred based on race or religion. It was supposed to protect minorities from neo nazis. It was a bitter oil for them to swallow when complaints came in about Muslim leaders preaching Jew hate from the mosque. It took a long time for them to prosecute and that was only after terrorists threats and a few stabbings of Jewish students.

  4. I’d bet you it’s voluntary. It’s likely illegal to charge a different price based on sex, race, etc. in Australia.

  5. My bet is they’ll be out of business by the end of the year. This was probably a publicity stunt for a failing niche restaurant.

  6. I wonder where a transman would fit in this little bit of “striking back against the patriarchy”?

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