The New York Times reports:

An assailant involved in the prolonged firefight in Jersey City, N.J., that left six people dead, including one police officer, was linked on Wednesday to the Black Hebrew Israelite movement, which has been designated a hate group, and had published anti-Semitic posts online, a law enforcement official said.

The violent rampage on Tuesday took place largely at a kosher supermarket where three bystanders were killed. The authorities now believe that the store was specifically targeted by the assailants.

Jersey City Shooting: Suspect Linked to Black Hebrew Israelite Group.

Does the group sound familiar? It should, we covered some here. Y’all remember “activist” and faux Vietnam Vet Nathan Phillips who claimed was verbally attacked by the racist white kid from Covington HS?

I guess the simple shouting was not enough and it was time to start hunting Jews for real. I am guessing more to come.

PS: Ben Shapiro predicts further coverage:

Update: Video appers to contradict the original narrative. The shooting of the market was purposely rather than a sudden target of opportunity.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on “Jersey City Kosher Market Shootout: Hate Crime – Anti Semitic. (Update)”
  1. Hmm. My understanding of it is that the “Black Hebrew Israelites” are not “a” hate group, but a bunch of little hate groups, that all also don’t like each other, as well as whitey and the Jews.

    Y’all might remember that they had a part in the Covington Catholic school kids “racist” (so called) confrontation.

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