When you find yourself punching a child in the head who is crying over his mother who your partner is beating with a club because she doesn’t want to be locked into her house by government mandate for two more weeks, there is no reason to ask yourself:

Know that you are and that you will be spending eternity in hell with your grandfathers.


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By J. Kb

15 thoughts on “Ordinary Men in 2021”
      1. Note that the Twitter account that posted the video of the child being beaten has been suspended and the tweets removed. I wonder what else is being hidden from us.

  1. Rioting is cool.
    Actually peaceful disagreement will be met with police brutality.
    Them’s the rules nowadays.

    (Joseph: they only wear brown shirts until the Party’s power is consolidated. Afterward, the irregulars are either liquidated or put in respectable-looking uniforms.)

  2. In May there was a “Al Quds”-demonstration in Berlin. Vile jew-hating slogans were chanted, Innensenator Geisel (the politician in charge of the police) let them walk without masks and without distance and said they wanted to look for a peaceful discussion.

    In July there was the Christopher-Street-Day parade in Berlin. 65.000 people did not keep distance to each other and a great number of them did not wear masks.
    No problem there.

    A week later several anti-lock-down protests happened in Berlin and what happened can be seen on videos like this.

    Last week there was a protest from some radical left wingers in Berlin and after complaints about them damaging a playground the police reacted with 40 cops but without heavy riot gear and got promptly attacked – 2 injured and another one was beaten unconscious. The police retreated under the cheers of the violent mob.

    It’s not even about enforcing the lock-down rules anymore. It’s just some low-level fascists practicing what it will be like when they are fully grown fascists.
    Fun Fact: Innensenator Geisel was a member of the SED, the East German uniparty.

  3. Not that i think it really matters, just curious if anyone knows what the context is of the first 2 clips.

    3rd is inexcusable.

    1. All these protests in Berlin were not allowed. That means the police cordoned the protesters off and stopped them from walking certain routes.

      This is basically what prompted most of these encounters: People wanted to go from here to there, for whatever reason, and the police did not let them even though they were other protesters not 10m further down the way – and when people wanted to pass through the loose cordon, they were met with overwhelming force.

      There’s always the chance that not all of them were protesters but residents or tourists who got stopped.

      1. Thanks.

        That’s what made it especially confusing, it appeared like the police just formed an arbitrary line in between people and certain walkways.

  4. First step, dehumanize
    Second step, push those you dehumanize to reacting.
    Third step, police (and mob) violence against those dehumanized
    Fourth step, arrests, prison, kangaroo courts, etc… all against those demonized in steps 1-3
    Fifth and final, genocide against the undesirables.

    Germany (France too) are at step 3, the US is rapidly approaching step 3.

    1. There should be a step 1.5: disarm. Steps three and four can be a bit dicey without it. They haven’t quite managed that in the US of A yet, although not for lack of trying.

      The Swalwells might just be buying their own propaganda enough to try it anyway. I fervently hope not. It won’t go well for them, but I’m not sure American society can survive it without going full Balkans.

  5. Noticed a fair number of the gestapo were either fussing with their masks, only had their mask over their mouth, or positioned their masks when they figured out they might be on camera.

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