To be fair…

I don’t condone violence like this but it’s also Spirit Airlines.

Their customer service motto is “you paid $45 for this ticket so fuck you.”

The only suitable punishment is to make these women fly Spirit cross country, middle seat, last row by the engine that doesn’t recline.

I’ve had that seat.  I’d rather spend a week in solitary.

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Sorry for the lack of posting today.

The muse was not in the best of moods today and then we bumped into this bit of old news from 1912 while doing research.

I know there is nothing I can do about something that happened over a century ago, but damn it, it still punches me in the gut hard.

Please Lord, don’t let an asshole like that fall into my hands because it is gonna take him a long fucking week to go meet you.

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The Smithsonian’s taxpayer funded racist screed

The Smithsonian National Museum of African American History & Culture has a webpage about whiteness.

It is the most racist thing I have seen since the Daily Stormer.

Whiteness and white racialized identity refer to the way that white people, their customs, culture, and beliefs operate as the standard by which all other groups of are compared. Whiteness is also at the core of understanding race in America. Whiteness and the normalization of white racial identity throughout America’s history have created a culture where nonwhite persons are seen as inferior or abnormal.

This white-dominant culture also operates as a social mechanism that grants advantages to white people, since they can navigate society both by feeling normal and being viewed as normal. Persons who identify as white rarely have to think about their racial identity because they live within a culture where whiteness has been normalized.

This infographic is what they declare to be oppressive whiteness.

The nuclear family, rational thought, the scientific method, planning for the future, hard work, delayed gratification, avoiding conflict, all of these things are bad and white supremacist.

The Woke Left is made up of the most disgusting white supremacists on the planet.  The Woke Left thinks lower of people of color than any Klansman calling a black person “mud people.”

This isn’t soft bigotry of low expectations, this is hard and fast bigotry.  It tells black people that they can never expected to work hard, be rational, or be on time, because that is a white trait for white people.

This all but tells POC to openly reject white behavior, which is a recipe for disaster.  The greater predictor for criminality is the absence of a father in the home, regardless of race.  Saying that the nuclear family is white supremacism only serves to ensure more black fatherlessness and social problems.

Then there us the hypocrisy of this.  I constantly hear about the lack of black people in STEM, but this openly rejects the scientific method as white supremacist and will make it harder for black people to get into STEM.

White supremacy is an ideology where white people are believed to be superior to nonwhite people. This fallacy is rooted in the same scientific racism and pseudo-science used to justify slavery, imperialism, colonialism, and genocide at various times in throughout history. White supremacist ideologies and their followers continue to perpetuate the myth of white racial superiority.

How can something be pseudoscience of we reject rationality and the scientific method?

Also, just as a side note: who said “bland is best.”

The British conquered the world on the hunt for spices that were not native to the European continent.  Today, England is the second highest consumer of curry per capita in the world.  Not to mention central European dishes drowning in garlic and onions, with a side of horseradish.  European cuisine is the product of peppers and spices being native to tropical climates, not some arbitrary preference for bland.

If you wonder if white people like bland food, ask yourself if you are willing to send your son into the deepest darkness jungle, half way around the world, with nothing but a black powder rifle, to battle tigers and parasites, just for a little crushed up dried seed to sprinkle on your food?  Because Europeans did that shit.

The worst part about this screed is that it’s taxpayer funded.  If this were put out by some radical fringe group, they have that righ . But for this to be said for by you and me is grotesque.

This is absolute, socially destructive evil that is made possible by our paycheck.

As a taxpayer I want this obscenity removed.  I should not be paying for racist propaganda.

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The Confederate State of Portland

This story starts in 2018.  In what feels like forever ago, but was only two years, Leftists in Portland engaged in a 5-weeks-long “Occupy ICE” protest.

Hundreds of occupiers set up camp at the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement headquarters in Southwest Portland, intending to stay there until the facility is shut down.

The demonstration begins amid nationwide outrage over President Donald Trump’s “zero tolerance” immigration policy. As part of this strategy, the administration refers asylum seekers for criminal prosecution and separates children from their parents.

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler says the city will not be involved in breaking up the protests.

That last part is critical, the Mayor of Portland prohibited city law enforcement from providing support to federal law enforcement.

This prompted the National ICE Council to sue the city.

Jump ahead to 2020.

The same people (probably literally, not just from the same ideological gene pool) have declared their own autonomous zone in Portland, the Chinook Land Autonomous Territory.  These people with Occupy Portland have damaged federal property, going so far as to try and burn down the Portland federal courthouse.

Let’s be clear on this.  You cannot attack federal property.

The federal government dispatched federal law enforcement to protect their property, as is their right and duty.

Mayor Ted Wheeler got all pissy about that.

The concern about violence is real.  A federal agent was hit in the head with a hammer during a protest.  Before that, protesters tried to smash their way in through the door of the courthouse with a hammer.

The guy who bodyslammed a protester that opened his door was federal law enforcement.

Sorry, but it’s not within the authority of the Mayor of Portland to order federal law enforcement to abandon federal property.

Federal LEOs have been arresting some agitators and others that have engaged in property destruction.

These assholes are now engaged in shrieking hysterics that these arrests are kidnapping and spreading the conspiracy that the federal agents are really Trump vigilantes in surplus camo.

This one is my favorite because it’s so revealing:

Where there is Leftism there is anti-Semitism.  When the Israelis do arrest Palestinians, it’s because the Palestinians have engaged in terrorism, but according to the Left, Palestinian terrorism is justifiable but Israel cracking down on the terrorists is brutality.

They want the same there here.  They want to be able to declare an autonomous zone, smash and burn federal property, attack federal law enforcement, but when they get arrested it’s a brutal police state.

We saw the same thing earlier in the car door opening post.  They wanted to be able to open another person’s car door and put hands inside his vehicle but when they are attacked in response they piss and moan that it’s not fair.

When they terrorize a couple in St. Louis, that’s fine, but when the couple points guns back, that’s a problem.

It doesn’t work like that and they are finding that out the hard way.

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Mask mandate floods Tampa’s 911

TARPON SPRINGS, Fla. — Bill Dunn spotted the woman at the Publix sub counter, leaning over the glass that guards the lettuce and tomatoes.
Another man stood nearby, waiting on his cold cuts.
Neither wore masks, despite a local order that mandates face coverings to enter a business.
“Why are they in the store?” Dunn, 65, recalled thinking. “I thought I was safe in a store like this.”
Dunn has diabetes and sometimes uses an oxygen machine. His health conditions put him at risk of dying should he catch the coronavirus. He takes mask use seriously.
What happened next is up for debate, though everyone involved agrees that Dunn is now banned from the Tarpon Springs Mall Publix.
A police report describes Dunn as “highly irate.” The Publix manager told officers he cursed at her and caused a scene.
Dunn admits he was loud, but he called the police report overblown. He just wanted employees to remind shoppers that masks were required.
“They said, ‘no, we are not enforcing the law,’ ” Dunn said. “Well, then what are the rest of us supposed to do? This isn’t a matter of no shirts or shoes, it’s a public health crisis.”

Tampa Bay mask rules spur hundreds of 911 calls

This is hilarious. Testicular Karen raises such an amount of hell that Publix, a company that bends over backwards for the customer, banned his sorry ass and the cops reported he was being an asshole.

And that said asshole forced a call to the police to attend a minor avoidable incident rather than keep an eye for the big stuff. A waste of taxpayer’s money because Dunn could not simply take his business where they would cover his health concern. This was not about the virus but about territoriality. Apparently Dunn marked the produce section and wanted interlopers gone.

It must stink.

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Nick Cannon and the Jewish Catch 22

No, the Jewish Catch 22 is not free bacon, although that is very tempting.

If you missed the news, musician and actor Nick Cannon said some awful shit on his podcast.  If you don’t know who Nick Cannon is, it’s alright. The best thing he was ever in was Mariah Carey.

Apparently Cannon is a follower of Louis Farrakhan and a believer in black or melanin supremacy.

Viacom fired him.

This is how it’s reported:

Nick Cannon dropped by ViacomCBS over “anti-Semitic” comments

What he said was antisemitic but it was also anti-White .

Readers of this blog know that I have documented just how much the Woke Left hates the Jews.

In firing Cannon for just being antisemitic and not anti-White, they have enraged the white supremacists, who get to claim that “the Jews are a protected class but it’s okay to hate white people.”

That puts us Jews in no-mans-land, getting shot at by both sides.

The Left hates us for being too white and the alt-Right hates us for being a protected and privileged minority.

This is the Jewish Catch 22.

I don’t know if Viacom did this deliberately or if they were just too dumb to understand, but condemning Cannon’s antisemitism and not his anti-White racism is both unfair to white people and to Jews.

Viacom needs to come out and make it clear that anti-White racism as espoused by Cannon is equally ugly and a fireable offense.


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