A Message to Terrorists Planning on Klling Americans: Next Time Use Guns!

I saw this post from CSGV and I said to myself: “Please, don’t go there.”
CSGV Boston shootersIt links to an article by The New Yorker’s John Cassidy that left me speechless. Here is the money-quote for you:

Third, had the attack been carried out with assault rifles rather than explosives and nails, the gun-control bills that perished on Capitol Hill just two days after the Boston bombings may have met a different fate.

It was a wasted opportunity! If those dumb “freedom fighters” would have chosen Evil Assault Weapons, today our world would be smelling sweeter, be peaceful and free healthcare would flow gracefully down the street because legislation would have been passed to regulate the freedoms of US Citizens.

I am literally sick to my stomach. I cannot imagine so much hate for a fellow human being and so much desire to achieve control.

Somewhere in Hell, Stalin is smiling reading a copy of the New Yorker..


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Dear Moms Demand Action (subsidiary of MAIG): Can you explain this picture?

CSGV RED RD1) If Evil Black Rifles are so bad, Why is that child holding one?
2) Is that an Evil High Capacity Magazine Clip attached to that Evil Black Rifle that the poor kid is holding?
3) Where is this picture taken? I ask because in some states, carrying a weapon into a state building is illegal. That wouldn’t be a school, right?
4) If the building is a school, Has the kid holding the Evil Black Rifle been suspended/expelled? We do have a Zero Tolerance across the board in this country, right?
5) Were Child Services notified that some irresponsible adults allowed a young kid to manipulate such a dangerous weapon?
6) A white person is holding an Evil Black Rifle with an African-American present in the room. Isn’t that racist?

Just some questions that jumped out while sipping a late night cup of instant coffee.

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The Mounting Irrelevancy of CSGV as Political Tool.

These are a couple of pics extracted from Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence’s Facebook and Twitter accounts:


I imagine that the sparse crowds are a telling indicator of CSGV’s ability to draw real support from the people. Josh and Ladd are still useful for certain media outlets to write or talk about the usual obfuscations and rants against the Second Amendment, but they are mostly time-slot fillers than prime time players.

However, the members and followers of the do not see themselves as cheap extras in the great movie of Gun Control activism. As posted before in this blog, some of the rants and threats uttered by these cult members are downright scary and unimaginable in a free country and I would not be surprised if they were to plan a stunt that would generate a violent response from somebody and then use it to “prove” their point.

I know it sounds a bit “tin-foil,” but I expect anything out of this bunch as they remind me of past useful idiots that I had to live with. Point and laugh at them, just don’t let them sucker you into their game. If we are lucky, we will soon see them selling Ginsu Knives late at night in Current TV.

Late Nite Addition: Five sad pictures from today’s anti-NRA March.
Hat Tip to The Miller.

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McCain, Schumer: Not spanked enough apparently.

“My own little prediction – I think we’re going to bring this bill back before the end of the year and I think you may find some changes,” said Schumer, during a breakfast sponsored by the Christian Science Monitor. “We may change the bill a little bit – but I think you may find some changes out there in the public. Lots of senators who thought it was safe to vote against it because of the intensity are not so sure anymore.”

Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., one of four Republicans to vote in support of the measure, called the proposal “common sense,” even though it wasn’t precisely what he would have crafted.

“But I do agree with Chuck that I think the issue is going to come back,” he said at the same event

via McCain, Schumer Say Gun Control Is Coming Back – US News and World Report.

Not unexpected. The DC Royalty is reeling after being slapped by the serfs and are bound and determined to “teach” us a lesson. We committed the ultimate sin, the heinous crime: We made them look stupid and hurt their Pride and that cannot be forgiven, only punished.

I also understand their urgency: Next year is an election year and they are afraid to lose their jobs or at least to lose the influence they have on the country. That is our second ultimate sin as they are now transformed into addicts mainlining the power of Washington D.C. and fear the idea of going cold turkey, becoming regular folks or as they see us nothing but plebeians.

In my opinion they are making a mistake. The economy is being ignored and Obamacare is going to screw people in such ways that they are going to become very irritated with the Administration. If their plan is to use Gun Control as a protective blanket to deflect what’s coming, they may be in for a surprise when it fails. In a sense it would be ironic that a government would collapse because of guns and without one shot fired or a rifle waved in anger.

I think they still have not processed what happened. It will be their undoing. I just hope they don’t take a shortcut down Stupid Way.

They should have followed the advice we gave them many years ago: Just leave us alone.

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Weee!!! I made Josh Horwitz cry!

[Nor is Hofmann the only pro-gun activist encouraging gun owners to build IEDs. Pro-gun blogger Miguel Gonzalez of Miami, Florida, for example, posts bomb-making information under the sarcastic heading, “The Josh Horwitz Insurrectionist Library.”]

via Josh Horwitz: Boston Seen as Roadmap for “Second Amendment Remedies” Crowd.

Actually Josh, it was not only The Anarchist Cookbook, published in 1971 by unknown left-wing anarchists and was the guide for every iteration of domestic terrorists William Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn (friends of the current White House)  running around placing bombs and doing other things, but also a whole host of other themes: Police Interrogations, SWAT Standards, Human Intelligence collection, Counterinsurgency, etc.

All these documents are free and available in the net. They were written by the government for the most part and paid for by our taxes.

And, Oh yes! Protected by the First Amendment. But of course now that Mayor Bloomberg wants to reinterpret the Bill of Rights, that may go by the wayside too.

Admit it Josh, you are just mad you lost and you are mad because I made fun of your own silliness.

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Moms Demand Action Bingo Card.

I saw this cute picture in Facebook at the Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America.
corporate GFZ

As a resident of Florida, you can carry everywhere but where forbidden by the law and those are very few locales. I realized that I had carried at a number of companies posted in the graphic and soon enough I had a bingo card made.
Moms Demand Action Bingo CardThere is two movie chains left in the pic and I am sure I carried at least in one of them, I just don’t recall which. Future likely targets will be IKEA and California Pizza Kitchen since they are nearby.

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