If you don’t want to mend the fence, do not break it in the first place.

“Gang of 16 GOP traitors betray gun owners”
To be fair, a few of the Republicans who voted to allow the bill to go to the Senate floor for debate have stated that they only did so in order to get the Democrats on the official record as voting in favor of gun control, and that they themselves, the Republicans, would vote no to the bill in its final form.

Further, the filibuster senators such as Paul, Cruz, Lee, Inhofe, and Rubio have stated that they reserve the option of employing the filibuster for the final vote on the bill, when it may have more of a chance of succeeding.

But in order to accomplish such a feat, the filibuster senators would have to pick up some support from the gang of 16. This is not outside the realm of possibility. They will need four senators from the gang to withdraw support from the final bill. The best bets are Burr, Coburn, Isakson, and Wicker, although none are a sure bet.

via Gang of 16 GOP traitors betray gun owners – National Conservative | Examiner.com.

If you know that you are dealing with a bunch of political prima donas and you need them to sway them to your side, calling them skanky whores before you get what you want is not precisely a way to do it. And then trying to make it up by citing some exceptions makes you look even dumber.

I swear some people in our side are actually wanting to see the Full Feinstein/Schummer bills become laws so they can have a job/purpose bitching and complaining.

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What a .357 Magnum does to a hand (Graphic Content)

Click here for the picture…once again GRAPHIC CONTENT.

Here is the story according to the source:

We all laugh and think of how stupid one must be when we see a self inflicted gun shot. I don’t know exactly what the **** happened but I do know the outcome. I had a ruger LCR357 discharge through my left hand. I did not have my fingers in the trigger guard or on the trigger. It was time for the lcr to be cleaned. So I cupped my hand and went to open the cylinder and bang. The damn thing went off. I kept as calm as someone who had just been shot could be. Called 911 and the wife. Thank God my two year old was in a safe place.
I just wanted to let you all know that even the safe and knowledgeable can make mistakes and bad **** can happen. Stay safe and God bless you all
It was a critical defense jhp from Hornady

They are called the Four RULES of Gun Safety, not the Four SUGGESTIONS of Gun Safety.

And unless proven, I don’t buy the “I did not have my booger hook in the bang stick” explanation.

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The Public Safety and Second Amendment Rights Protection Act | Pat Toomey | Senator for Pennsylvania

The Public Safety and Second Amendment Rights Protection Act would require states and the federal government to send all necessary records on criminals and the violently mentally ill to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). The bill extends the existing background check system to gun shows and online sales. The bill explicitly bans the federal government from creating a national firearms registry, and imposes serious criminal penalties (a felony with up to 15 years in prison) on any person who misuses or illegally retains firearms records

The Public Safety and Second Amendment Rights Protection Act | Pat Toomey | Senator for Pennsylvania.

Again, this is just the summary and I won’t be satisfied till I read the actual bill. Some things jump at me besides Private Sales remaining private: Possible strengthening of FOPA, approval of National Reciprocity and bypass NCIS checks if you have a CWP.

I have not checked the feeds of the usual Anti Gun groups this morning, but I would not imagine they would be too happy about this. If the bill is as good as it looks from over here and becomes law, there will be a long line of people that will have to kiss Toomey’s butt as manner of apology.


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The Unheard | The Gundoc’s Doctrine

We have the right to exist. We have to right to make a living the way we see fit, withing the confines of the law. That law being the US Constitution and Bill of Rights. Inside that realm no man has the right to restrict what we do. We build a lawful product so as far as I’m concerned…Congress, state or federal, can get bent. We are in the pursuit of our own

via The Unheard | The Gundoc’s Doctrine.

Well said!

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Coalition to Stop Gun Violence: They hate Manchin-Toomey.

That said, CSGV is deeply concerned with several elements of the compromise. While the Manchin-Toomey amendment expands background checks on gun buyers, they are far from universal. The legislation regulates private sales of firearms at gun shows and through websites, but simultaneously permits such sales to go unchecked everywhere else. CSGV believes an unregulated gun sale made through a classified ad in a newspaper, on a street corner, or across a kitchen table is just as serious a threat to public safety as one arranged on armlist.com


Well, now we can say it is equally hated by both sides. Maybe we should all just go back and get a floor vote on the original Schummer bill.

Others from the Opposition chimed already and they are less happy:ToomeyManchin 1

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Florida state Senate passes anti-drones bill.

Sen. Joe Negron’s bill restricts using drones to preventing imminent danger to life or serious damage to property.

The bill also makes police get a search warrant before using a drone to collect evidence. An exception would be a credible threat of terrorist attack

via Florida state Senate passes anti-drones bill | Fox News.

Drone season will be open as soon as the Governor signs the bill. OK, maybe not, but it is a good first step. Here is the text of the bill.

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Again on the Manchin-Toomey Bill. Chill your damned asses.

On my last post I made mention about the rumors on what this bill contains. Nobody knows for certain what the text of the proposal says.  Let me repeat that once again: NOBODY KNOWS FOR CERTAIN AT THIS TIME WHAT’S IN THE BILL.

The problem is that some in our side, using the same mental process of the Opposition have declared this bill akin to treason, that has to be rejected and its creators hung from the near light-post.

Now, if you cannot wait for the text to appear and make a final determination on FACTS, you are cordially invited to go …. you know the rest. You are a hindrance to the Gun Rights.

Stop looking at the flash and concentrate on the substance. Then offer an opinion as loud as nasty as you want if the bill is not a plus for our side. Other than that, stop flapping your gums and beating your fists against your chest, you look stupid doing that.

Sorry, I am just a bit sick of the ALL OR NOTHING crowd as their results run over the 99% in the NOTHING ACHIEVED column.

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