I saw this over The View From North Central Idaho:

In a sense, he ain’t wrong: We are no longer the spineless Republican party that produced Mitt Romney as candidate. We are no longer a party that accepts treasonous dissidents like the departed John McCain. We are no longer a party that will be judged by a different set of rules: We will simply do not give a fuck about the enemy’s imposing rules on us. We are done being polite

Soon enough the image of the meek Republican being freely bashed by Antifa goons will be substituted by bloody black-hooded goons weeping inconsolably about the multitude of injuries received  by the mean right wing assholes. And if anybody from the other side complains, we just say we are playing with their rules plus some extras points of our own concoction.

The democrats and Liberals in general worked with 2 sets of rule and our side got the shitty ones because the GOP leadership wanted to be accepted as nice to the posh gatherings of DC. They did not wanted to be seen as mean (enter the compassionate conservative bullshit) so I believe it is time for them to fully embrace the other side and leave our party to the people who is tired of taking crap and want to return it instead.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “The Republican Party is Dead. Long Live The Republican Party.”
  1. Yeah… populism is antithetical to democracy this week. Or maybe only astroturf “populism” is allowed, and anything that appeals to the actual unwashed masses is bad and anti-democratic?
    Was it Betty Bunnyburrow who recently called for rooting out the corruption that, four years ago, allowed a non-anointed candidate to get elected?

  2. The average person who identifies as a conservative may fall in line with what you describe. We are done with this crap.

    However, the politicians that claim to be Republican, with few exceptions, are really just members of the re-election party, and they will not make waves. The rampant election fraud of 2020 will be ignored by them. They will try to stop Trump from taking legal action against the States with massive red flags in their election processes because…. reasons. (HINT: They do not want to be the next target of the Dems.)

    Big issue here is the elected Republicans and the GOP leadership is spineless.

    It is not going to happen, but a new political party is needed. The TEA party conservatives have to start walking away from the GOP. Form a new party. Let them continue to nominate borderline Democrats for Federal positions, and the people who want to live free can elect people who love this country, and support the Constitution.

    1. Sounds great. Let’s split up our flawed coalition and form two splinter groups that will never get elected to anything ever again.
      Better to just take over the GOP and make it our own.

  3. With the exception of Mittens, a lot of the Repubs have seen the writing on the wall- the Dems don’t want a nice, compliant token opposition anymore. They want single party rule, and even RINOs don’t have an office in that plan.

    So, while they might not fight because of principles, they are learning that their phony baloney jobs are at stake.

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