The PATRIOT Act did not erode enough rights for the Left.  If they can turn a bunch of Americans angry at apparent election fuckery – in which an incumbent president who filled stadiums at election rallies was beaten by a senile pervert who has lost multiple previous primaries and couldn’t get a few dozen people to show up to any of his rallies, but won a record number of votes in an election in which the voting rules were suddenly changed due to an unprecedented reaction to a pandemic – into a “threat at the heart if the American experiment,” they can pass something orders of magnitude more intrusive than the PATRIOT Act but aimed squarely at American citizens.

That’s  the goal.

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By J. Kb

2 thoughts on “There is a point to the 9/11 1/6 comparison”
  1. OK, I can understand a bit of what George Will was trying to say. Seeing a large group of people break into the Capital, etc… was a shock to the system. In my opinion, not even close to seeing the Twin Towers collapse, or The Pentagon with a hole through punched through it. But, it was a shock.

    To elevate it to “…an attempt to END OUR DEMOCRACY… is ridiculous.

    And, that is why the leftists are so strident about making this into a 9/11 level incident. They want to, no need to cement their place in positions of power. And, without their own 9/11 it will be that much harder to remove anyone on the right.

    1. Will is a Lincoln Project fellow traveler; I no longer take anything he says seriously. He ranks right down there with Sharpton for credibility and integrity in my view.

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