The only thing I would change about what she said is that she doesn’t quite call internet companionship, what it is: ersatz friendship.

The internet makes us lonely because it replaces real, deep, meaningful, real-world friendship with a shallow, empty, ersatz internet friendship.

Facebook friends are not real friends.  Followers are not friends.

OnlyFans is not a real relationship, it’s an ersatz relationship.

The internet has suckered us into giving up a few real friends for lots of digital “friends” we hardly know.

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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “This is an incredible video”
  1. Don’t hate on “Internet friends”.
    I know plenty of “gamers” that started lasting friendships over the internet. There are quite a few stories about people meeting while online gaming and later getting married.

    I recall a “incident” in a forum a while ago (from a webcomic) were a danish guy traveled to the States to meet a girl from the forum in person and start a relationship, don’t know what happened to them in the over 10 years that passed since then 😀

    Facebook friends are NOT internet friends.

    1. Facebook friends are NOT internet friends.

      Because Facebook is not the Internet (though it is ON the Internet).

      The Internet was designed to communicate, share, and find information.

      Facebook is … not designed that way. It might have been initially set up as a communication forum, but through various updates has been redesigned as an echo chamber; only some information is allowed to be heard, and it’s repeated everywhere on the site.

      However, unless independent or self-hosting becomes more common, I fear the Internet will be lost, having been replaced by GAF-Net* — Google, Amazon, and Facebook Net.
      * – Yes, I know I could have called it [gay slur]-Net, but that would be inconsiderate to many guys I know who embrace the term and are perfectly decent human beings. Unlike the jokers running the G-A-F Triad.

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