Therefore a little fear is good for their soul. It reminds them that the oath they took were not just lines in a cheap play but they have a very deep meaning they better re-discover soon.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

9 thoughts on “We have been electing royalty… or at least they think so.”
  1. There is some evidence this was staged.

    I have seen several tweets claiming to show the Capital police opening the barricades and encouraging people to enter. One tweeter claimed the President ordered the Capital to be opened. The Feral Irishman has some pretty interesting links.

    Now, having toured the Capital not all that long ago, I find it tough to believe the rioters found the Congressional chambers so easily. The place is not easy to navigate without guidance. Now, you can study plans and maps of the Capital, but what person at the Protest would do that? Who would reasonably think they would be inside the Capital?

    Even if they got over the barricades, the main doors are locked from the outside. Everyone enters through other entrances. If this was a spontaneous riot, they may have made it across the barricades, but would have been stopped at the doors.

    The visitor’s entrance is probably the only place where a mob would be able to overwhelm the police. But, that is on the other side (north) side of the Capital. The protest was not there.

    Less and less of this is making sense.

    1. “Now, having toured the Capital not all that long ago, I find it tough to believe the rioters found the Congressional chambers so easily.”

      When I was last there in ’85,(I know, the Pleistocene era) at 4:30 pm on a Sunday there were all of two guards, we walked through the public areas for almost half an hour before they told they were locking up.There was no concrete monstrositiy of a security building or xray machines either.

  2. CBMTTek is Blackpilling. I don’t judge, but if he does this around my place I’ll ban him. He can get his own damn blog if he wants, but I won’t let him use my place for his (ahem) theories.

    And that last picture is pic of the year (so far).

    1. Interesting. Had never heard of blackpilling. Did not realize I was doing it simply by pointing out things I see that are odd about yesterday’s events.

      As to not judging…. the first three words of your comment prove otherwise. The remainder of your first sentence provides further evidence to support my conclusion.

      Have a wonderful day, Borepatch.

    1. I agree totally.

      However, it is dangerous to assume that suddenly conservatives have decided to become as violent as the bamtifa mob. Putting this behind us and not saying anything feeds the liberal narrative.

      When things do not add up, questioning the narrative is necessary. That is how we learn.

      And, good luck finding a gun or ammo anytime in the near future.

  3. Truth gone. Consequence right behind her.

    Miguel, if they were scared for only a minute, I’d delight.

    Unlike you though I believe these particular rats won’t learn ANY lesson. Instead, they will resolve to react faster and even more viciously.

    They are sociopaths and psychopaths who KNOW they know better than Us what we need and more importantly, they are determined to teach us a lesson.

    None of us know who was there, where they were or what they did UNLESS you saw it with your own eyes.

    What did you know? When did you know it? How confident were you in what you thought you knew? What did you do with what you know?

    We are full on into the space and time fight truth and justice wherein the citizen and or patriot is pissing up a slack halyard by design.

    We don’t know what we don’t know this our reaction is muted. Just like our God given and beloved rights.

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