Some have addressed me about J kb’s mistaken identity post and that extreme measures should be taken in consideration including deleting the post so our reputation does not suffer.

Not happening.

If we screw up, we belly up to the bar order a ration of humble pie and admit the screw up. We apologize for it and as proof of our intentions, we leave the offending writing up so the latecomers understand what happened.  That is our penance which fits with the overall Catholic & Jewish thing too.

We do not Memory-Hole.

Our egos are trained enough that we understand mistakes will be made and we gladly accept corrections. It happens all the time and I have lost count how many readers email me or post in comments to remind me that English is not my first language and I made a major blunder somewhere. The same has happened for misconceptions and bad information I may have posted and that I gratefully enjoy when my ignorance is corrected by my readers because I learn.  We strive to give the best information possible within the means of this blog and its collective readership and not behave like regular Media perpetuating BS and false Narratives. I certainly complain about that a lot and would be hypocritical of me to behave otherwise.

My blog, my rules.

End of discussion.

Spread the love

By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

11 thoughts on “What happens when we screw up in this blog.”
  1. I don’t know why anyone would want a policy that is otherwise, what you describe is actual transparency and truth.

  2. Social media brings out the keyboard kommandos who obviously live perfect lives and have never screwed up(mommy corrects them). I learned a long time ago you are from away and english you sometimes dont spell correctly. Its not my place to correct you. If I dont understand something i will message you and ask. Keep it up yall!

  3. Yours is the right policy, IMHO. In my career I’ve held to the policy of never hiding a mistake and never taking credit for others work/ideas. It can be tough to stand up and say “I screwed that up”, but it’s better for your credibility in the end.

  4. Not sure exactly what happened, did J kb write something that appeared under your name? I never really look to see which one of you guys wrote what, I just read the posts and usually can figure out who is the author based on writing style and subject. ::shrugs::

    1. He wrote a vitriolic diatribe naming Andrew Pollack as a proponent of gun control; having mistakenly conflated the most prominent anti-gun-control Parkland Parent with Fred Guttenberg, the most vocal pro-gun-control Parkland Parent. The same Fred Guttenberg who is at every Supreme Court nomination hearing making a jackass of himself. As opposed to Pollack who wrote a decently well researched book on why the Parkland Shooting happened, who has led the fight to hold former Sheriff Israel and the gutless Broward county deputies who stood by and let teenagers be executed, accountable for their failures.

  5. Support that 100% completely.

    Make a mistake, and be an adult about it. See, simple. We are not cancel culture, nor should we support it in any way.

    If needed, update the post (as you did), and tell everyone who wants to ban the author to go elsewhere.

  6. I concur whole heartedly. Such actions just makes what a person does more sincere as they put it all on the table as it were.

    Good on ya both I say.

  7. I don’t want you guys to memory hole anything; but I would like to see some in-line editorial comments to the post, making it more clear that you’re not talking to Pollack, but instead Guttenberg. Too often in the apology you’re still directly talking to Andrew Pollack and not Guttenberg. Just add a comment in parenthesis after saying Andrew or Pollack: (Sorry meant Guttenberg) or (Guttenberg). Also does anyone know if Pollack is Jewish or just Fred Guttenberg? Because at one point JKb addresses Pollack as a fellow Jew, and while Fred is, religion is one of those people take internally seriously: not just the person being addressed, but bystanders who are that religion might not like the false conflating

  8. You always have a seat at my social media blog table. If the food offered isn’t perfect, well… my father and grandfather always said, “…just toss it down the hatch son….it’ll still give you plenty of energy until something better comes along next time”. I added some hot sauce and peppers and tossed it down.

    Spice it up and let’s get on to the next post…I’m hungry for more.

  9. I comprehend your “no memory hole on this blog” position, and applaud it.

    OTOH, I like Scotty’s suggestion, as it allows first time readers note that the intended recipient of your, er, “corrective action” is Mr. Guttenberg, not Mr. Pollack.

    Even so, as you noted, “my blog, my rules”. Reasonable, and explicit.

    Simply my opinion.

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