By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

10 thoughts on “Why is so important to erase History?”
  1. Will Ainsley Harriot owe himself reparations for some of his long dead ancestors owning slaves like his other long dead ancestors?

  2. off topic

    The LAPD Bomb Squad and the BATFE blew up an LA Neighborhood yesterday.

    They raided a 5,000 pound cache of fireworks in a home. They loaded it all into the LAPD Bomb Containment Trailer. Basically they made it into a huge ass pipe bomb. Then the geniuses decided to blow it in place. Not couple hundred pounds at a time, noooo. They blew up the entire stash in one go.

    They also trashed their super neat, super expensive bomb squad truck too. Cave the whole back end of the truck.

    Was LAPD Deputy Chief Wiley E Coyote in charge?

  3. Erasing history is what communists do. Consider Red China, where even mentioning certain dates (like June 4th) gets you disappeared.
    Today’s WSJ has an editorial about the 100th anniversary of the CCP, and it touched on that a little. It also has an op-ed about history erasing (statue removal) happening in Canada.
    It all makes sense. You simply need to remember the Three Principles of Communism: lying, stealing, and killing. Communism requires the people to be ignorant of reality, so erasing history is a necessary part of what they do.
    Come to think of it, Red China has gone quite far in that: among other things, they redesigned the Chinese script they use so people who learn the current one can no longer read pre-Communist documents (at least not without a lot of effort). It’s called “simplified” but that’s misleading; the script isn’t any simpler, just very different in what the characters look like. I expect any day now that the use of the traditional script in Hong Kong will be banned.

  4. Down through history, slavery was the normal condition, not the exception. It’s probably true that if you go far enough back, all of us had ancestors who were slaves at one time. I know my mom’s family were slaves at one point.

    It’s the product of the ridiculously failed American communist schools that kids think only America had slaves. America was hardly a major slave country at all. Less than 1-1/2 % of Americans owned slaves.

    It was the development of good clocks, which came from ocean navigation and the British, that led to paying by the hour, rather than assigning someone to be in servitude to someone else who loaned them money.

    1. Also, the labor shortage due to the Black Death of the 1300s was instrumental in allowing the serfs the freedom to move from being tied to the land and effectively slaves to the land owners to something akin to employees. Though it didn’t happen all at once and not without violence. See Wat Tyler’s rebellion in England in 1381.

    2. Si, it’s not failure that makes America’s schools teach that; it’s deliberate malice.

      You’re right on history. The Old Testament speaks of slaves in any number of places. And I think it was Stephen Halbrook who documented a practice of somewhat more recent times, about 1000 years, ago, when a master who freed a slave would as part of that ceremony give the new freeman a shield and spear — because free men are armed, while only slaves are disarmed.

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