Month: July 2014

CSGV needs to get out more.

This fresh from their Hate-Generating-Intern:
CSGV Viva Maria


And some more comments that are…well…:

Richard Lapointe ah, gender equality. cowgirls can be every bit as stupid as cowboys.

Jeff Agin Beauty is fading,but stupid is forever.Not a caring heart in their conceited bodies.

Lori Bagley Trying to sexualize gunz, make it appeal on every level of the psych…. for those with weak brains I guess it may work that way !

Rob Guillen Couple of dumb sluts paid to do an ad….pretty pathetic!

  • Anne Rodman What’s with the costumes? Doesn’t their target market prefer barefoot and pregnant?
    • Michael Douglas Smith To achieve barefoot and pregnant, they have to stimulate the goat ropers into action. This is the look most effective.

Lori Bagley Trying to sexualize gunz, make it appeal on every level of the psych…. for those with weak brains I guess it may work that way !

Lovely comments, ain’t it? An demonstrates the advance knowledge of the subjects in all matters…except maybe movies.

CSGV Viva Maria poster

Viva Maria, a 1965 film directed by Louis Malle and starring Jeanne Moreau and Brigitte Bardot.

The Cult Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence never stops to make me laugh which is more that I can say for 99% of the Comedy Channel lineup.

Crist: nail meet coffin.


Crist said state lawmakers should reconsider the “stand your ground” law that allows someone to use deadly force if they believe their life is in jeopardy.

via Crist says state should review gun laws.

It was not like I was gonna vote for him in the first place.  This guy is the Imelda Marcos of the flip-flops and so bad even some Media calls him on it.


CORAL GABLES — Democratic gubernatorial hopeful Charlie Crist said Thursday that Florida should review two controversial gun laws that he supported when he was the state’s Republican governor.

via Charlie Crist wants review of gun laws he once supported |

NYT Publishes Real Data on Illegal Gun Sales, no good news for Gun Control Activists.

Conducted by Garen J. Wintemute,  a renowned gun researcher , public health expert and professor of emergency medicine at the School of Medicine at the University of California at Davis, the survey canvassed 1,601 federally licensed dealers and pawnbrokers in 43 states on how often attempts were made to acquire guns illegally and how sellers reacted to such attempts. Before the survey, there were almost no answers to those questions.

Among the findings, 67 percent of sellers had experienced at least one attempted straw purchase in the year before the survey, for an estimated 2,051 attempts, while 43 percent had experienced at least one attempted undocumented purchase.  Extrapolated to nearly 10,000 similar sellers nationwide, that works out to 33,800 attempted straw purchases a year, and 37,000 attempted undocumented purchases.

via Real Data on Illegal Gun Sales –

In total, we have 70,800 extrapolated cases of people trying to circumvent the law. This study was made in 2011 and checking the NICS numbers for that year, we have a total of 16,454,951 firearms sold. That means that 0.43% of transactions at gun shops were attempts to break the law, less than half of one percent or 99.57% of all firearm transactions at gun shops were done by good honest people.

This is why Gun Control people hate us, the numbers keep supporting our side.


Chris Christie’s Faking It on Gun Rights – The Daily Beast (And you think we did not know?)

Undercutting Christie’s perceived tough guy act, however, is his record. In office and as a candidate for office, he has been anything but the kind of Second Amendment advocate who conservatives want to call their own. And his moderate stance on guns—including his history as an assault weapon-ban evangelist—opens him up to charges of inauthenticity.

via Chris Christie’s Faking It on Gun Rights – The Daily Beast.

I still have not seen one of my gunny friends and acquaintances that like Christie, much less trusts him on Gun Issues. And if he is still infected with the idea of running for the White House, the pool of people saying “Not only no, but Hell No!‘ increases dramatically.


CSGV: Notch up the rhetoric. (UPDATED)

It wasn’t that long ago when the Cult Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence asked his Facebook followers to tone down on the Kill The NRA comments and such. Well, I guess that intern was fired or the usual intern came back from Summer vacation.

CSGV barbarism


I wonder where they are getting those posters. I need to do some searching.

Update: sfcmarkc located the original poster. It turns out is a WWI Red Cross poster:
red cross wwiWe are the Hun now too? For being all for peace and assorted crap, they love their war stuff.

I was saving the next pic, waiting to hear from the Show’s producers, but since I have not yet, I am posting this screen cap from yesterday

CSGV Jeopardy


Their tank of original ideas is indicating a big fat “E.”