Month: December 2019

They do not think like us – Pt 4

If you have not heard about the murder of Tessa Majors, it is a sad story.

This is how the New York Post reported on her murder shortly after it happened early this month:

Barnard freshman Tessa Majors stabbed to death in NYC park

A Barnard College student was stabbed to death in an upper Manhattan park Wednesday by a group of men who had tried to rob her, police sources said.

Freshman Tessa Majors, 18, was discovered by a school security guard inside Morningside Park near West 116th Street and Morningside Drive around 5:30 p.m., according to the sources.

She had been beaten and stabbed by a group of three or four men at the base of some stairs.

Very quickly, more details emerged that changed made this even more horrific.

One of the suspects is 13-years-old, two others are 14-years-old.

Majors was put in a chokehold while the suspects emptied her pockets, she was then strangled and stabbed repeatedly.

These were young teenage boys who carried out this brutal robbery and murder.

So how did The New York Times report on this story?

A Park Shed Its Reputation. Then Came the Tessa Majors Murder.

The park shed its reputation?  I guess it’s the park’s fault?

Morningside Park seems to jut up, like a narrow extension of Central Park, into Upper Manhattan — separating affluent Columbia University, in the elevated Morningside Heights neighborhood, from Harlem to the east.

“It’s literally the border between the Columbia community and Harlem,” said Amanda Ong, 21, a Columbia senior.

I know where this is going…

Somehow the Privilege of the Columbia University students juxtaposed against the poor black neighborhood of Harlem will be a factor.

The park was long considered to be a dangerous expanse, especially after nightfall. But as crime dropped over the years, so did those fears.

Crime just sort of dropped.  It had nothing to do with Rudy Giuliani, that Republican bastard, and his “broken windows” policing.

College students and professionals began moving into the rapidly gentrifying section of Harlem along the park’s east side, and using the land’s winding, wooded pathways to get access to the Columbia campus and its affiliated Barnard College.

He said “gentrifying.”  That’s the code word to let you know that Tessa Majors deserved it because other white people bought affordable homes to fix them up in areas set aside for black people.  Remember that Harlem is what it is because of Progressive Redlining.

But a recent rash of muggings and attacks in the park, culminating on Wednesday with the fatal stabbing of an 18-year-old Barnard student, Tessa Majors, has shattered that sense of safety and jolted both neighborhoods, recalling a time decades ago, when the city had more than 1,000 homicides a year.

Yep, the violence is coming back.  That has nothing to do with the Progressive, anti-Cop, socialist, piece-of-shit current Mayor of New York City legalizing what used to be quality of life crimes.

Tyrone Carter, 60, who works in a wine shop in Harlem, said that growing up in Harlem, he and his friends rarely ventured to Morningside Heights because it was “a different demographic.”

“People here lived through a heroin epidemic, a crack epidemic,” Mr. Carter said. “So being black in Harlem, some see it as invasion when young white up-and-comers start buying up buildings. I was born and raised in Harlem, and I can barely afford to live here now.”

If this was a white person in the Upper East Side of Manhattan complaining out black people moving in and changing the property values, the media would destroy that person overnight.

Kevin Gates, 42, a teacher and lifelong Harlemite, said he was shocked by the killing, but not surprised.

“This area may have changed cosmetically, but it’s still New York City,” he said. “Gentrification has brought an influx of restaurants and night life, so a lot of the new people moving in here see it as some playground or utopia. But some get a false sense of security and forget it is still New York City.”

I have heard this many times before: “authentic New York City is a dangerous shithole.”

Why do New Yorkers take a perverse pride in the gritty danger of their city?  Nowhere else do people say “you know what, I miss it when crime was high, you couldn’t walk the streets at night, and filthy homeless people were everywhere.”  What the fuck is wrong with New Yorkers?

Maria Lopez, 61, a longtime park neighbor, gazed at the crime scene and said, “When I was growing up, and even in my 20s, you never came to this park, daytime or nighttime.”

But now, she said, many newcomers exhibit a boldness that contrasts with the wariness that some older New Yorkers retain from more dangerous times.

“People with money think, ‘I have the right to walk through here,’” she said. “Old-timers would never do that.”

How dare taxpaying residents of a city feel entitled to use the public parks and pathways they paid for.  Don’t they know that those are taxpayer-funded hang-outs and thoroughfares for criminals?  Decent people should avoid them at all costs and let the criminals have their free space.

This is not how normal people in the rest of the country think.

This is why New Yorkers and Progressives in the media hate Stand Your Ground.  SYG makes the law-abiding citizen supreme to the criminal.  In NYC, parks are the criminals’ domain and aw-abiding citizens are subjects to the criminals, disarmed by the bureaucrats.


Cleanup on Aisle Two

From San Francisco (where else?):

Man caught pooping in aisle of San Francisco Safeway

The city of San Francisco is taking action to clean up the streets but what about the grocery stores?

Shoppers at a Safeway in the Marina District got a disturbing surprise over the weekend.

Mike, a San Francisco resident, was at the Safeway when he spotted a man pooping in one of the aisles.

An opened package of toilet paper is seen in the photos sitting near the man.

Mike told KRON4 he saw the man go into a nearby Starbucks when he was finished.

Didn’t Starbucks start to allow “non-paying customers” (or small business owners call them: “Goddamed fucking freeloaders”) to use their restrooms?

If the Starbucks was out of toilet paper, I’m sure a pack cost less than $950, so the man could have walked out of the Safeway with the TP and used the restroom in the Starbucks.

There are many ways for a person with no money to poop in the toilet in San Francisco.

So why did this guy feel the need to shit in the aisle of a Safeway?

KRON4 has reached out to Safeway for a statement, but have not yet heard back.

They are busy cleaning the floor.

This story comes as San Francisco deals with a growing amount of human waste complains.

San Francisco even has a poop patrol, staff members who clean up human waste around the city.

Throughout the city, 311 has received more than 25,000 poop complaints this year alone, with the Tenderloin getting the highest number of calls.

The modern city of Gomorrah.

Last month, San Francisco Supervisor Matt Haney called the city’s poop problem a national embarrassment.

“This is a national embarrassment, it is also many communities a disgusting, public health crisis, no one should be able to walk about and see poop smeared all over the place, no one should live in these conditions. It is not funny,” Haney said.

Since then, the city has increased frequency of power washing in trouble areas and has opened more public toilets.

But many believe more needs to be done.

How about this.

Do what the old British Bobbies used to do to keep order.

Equip foot patrolmen with a truncheon.  Don’t bother arresting and fining the shitters, just dispense a bit of “instant stick justice” to a backside.

Turn a blind eye to the store owners and employees that use a length of broom handle to keep the riffraff off their property.

(If you shit in my store, I’m going to turn off the security cameras and make you clean it up with your tongue)

As long as these people do not suffer consequences for their actions and the working, taxpaying public foots the bill for cleanup, it will only get worse.

Jews, get out of the Big Apple area while you still can

Two days ago I said it was time for Jews to get out of New York City.

Then more news broke, and I am going to have to reiterate this point.

First, in the New York City subway, as reported by the New York Post:

Woman shaken by anti-Semitic attack on subway by nut shouting ‘Allahu akbar!’

An Israeli student riding a subway train in Manhattan said she was verbally and physically attacked by a woman who hurled anti-Semitic comments at her and another Jewish passenger — and yelled “Allahu akbar!”

In a video posted after the attack, Lihi Aharon said she boarded the train at Wall Street after her college’s induction ceremony last week and asked the woman if she could remove her bags from the seat next to her.

haron said she then sat down across from Ali next to a Jewish man wearing a yarmulke.

“As soon as I sat, that woman started cursing and yelling at him about him being a Jew and ‘Allahu akbar’ and how Allah will end us all,” she recounted in the five-minute video, in which a scratch is seen on her face.

Here is that video:

Second, from Jersey City (where shit seems to be getting worse by the day), as reported by Fox News:

Jersey City education official who called Jews ‘brutes’ in Facebook post is urged to resign

A Jersey City Board of Education member is facing calls to resign by Gov. Phil Murphy and the city’s mayor after writing a Facebook post describing Jews as “brutes” in the wake of last week’s mass shooting at a kosher supermarket.

Joan Terrell Paige’s post, which also questions whether shooters David Anderson and Francine Graham had a point to make in targeting Jews, came in response to another person’s comment about the Dec. 10 fatal attack at the JC Kosher Supermarket that left a police officer and three civilians dead. It appears to have been removed from Facebook, but was preserved in screenshots.

This is the screenshot:

Note the same theme in this Facebook post that I wrote about this shooting a week ago, that the Jews deserved to be killed because the black community is the real victim.

This woman’s opinion is being supported by the Democratic Black Caucus.

This is an endemic problem.

It is crystal clear here that no matter how many Jews are attacked, beaten, and killed, we are not part of the Progressive victim hierarchy, and Progressives will only care about the murder of Jews if they can blame it on the Right.

They can make this woman step down but the attitude still exists.

Trotsky’s Law is in full effect in the NY/NY Progressive bubble.

This is bad, and it’s only going to get worse, and the Jews of that region need to get out before every attack turns deadly and the murder of Jews becomes a daily occurrence.

This is why I could not be a K9 handler

If some bad guys killed my dog during the service of a warrant, nobody on the warrant would be brought in alive.

I’d finish that raid like motherfucking Judge Dredd.  Nothing but body bags going to central processing.


They do not think like regular people – Pt. 3

Last month, Miguel wrote a post about a woman who felt entitled to steal packages off people’s porches.  He highlighted how she didn’t think like normal sociable humans do.

She thought the packages would be replaced by Amazon and other senders, so her gain wouldn’t be her neighbors’ loss. “That’s what eased my conscience taking someone’s property, because I’m not a bad person, it was just a bad choice,” she told me. “I was in a desperate state.”

Social Justice activists, even before the term Social Justice had been part of the common political lexicon, have been pushing the idea that people steal out of desperation for as long as I can remember.

What is amazing to see is how Prop 47 has lead to the creation of an open-air black market for stolen goods in California, and people are running into stores with calculators to make sure they steal less than $950 in merchandise, at the same time the Trump economy is boosting wages and dropped unemployment to record lows.

I think this is definitely that people who steal, by and large, are not the desperately poor, but people with a streak of sociopathy.  They simply do not care that they hurt others to satisfy their material desires.

A porch pirate in Minnesota went one step further to prove this by showing that he enjoys causing pain and misery in the people he steals from.

From the New York Post:

Porch pirate leaves ‘thank you’ note from ‘new owner of your package’ 

A brazen porch pirate left a thank you note after stealing a Christmas gift in Minnesota — even signing it from “the new owner of your package,” according to a report.

“So just a quick little thank you for leaving me the opportunity of stealing your package,” read the note left on shocked victim Hilary Von Smith’s doorstep in St. Paul, according to CBS Minnesota.

“Very nice of you. Thank You,” read the note left where a package with a gift for Smith’s box should have been waiting.

That is taunting.  This is someone making a mockery of the victim of their crime.

Sgt. Mike Ernster of St. Paul Police said the note was “unheard of” and “something we’ve never seen before.”

But they are going to see more of.

Here is the reason I wanted to post this:

Smith, however, hopes her thankful thief strikes again — and takes a decoy parcel that she has left out that contains “a little gift from my dog.

Miguel and I are of different minds when it comes to mob violence and street justice.

I believe deeply in the social contract.  We all obey the law.  We pay taxes to pay for basic services that improve our quality of life.  Those basic services should be prioritized to protect the quality of life of the law-abiding taxpaying public.

When that contract is broken, we vote the people who broke it out of office.

Sometimes, that contract is really broken and the politicians who broke it make sure it is broken in such a way that keeps them in power.

This is where mob violence and street justice become a signal to the powerful, a reminder that we the people do not take matters into our own hands because we pay the police and courts to dispense justice on our behalf.  When they fail to uphold their end of the bargain, the criminals that prey on the people become fair game and the proper course of corrective action is to crack down on the criminals and restore law and order.

It is an extreme signal but a signal none the less.

The woman whose package was stolen is dismayed by the fact that police have not done enough to stop this type of property crime.  So she is booby-trapping criminals with dog turds.

How long until we see a dummy package booby-trapped with something made out of fireworks or black powder and a porch pirate loses a hand?

When that happens, I will feel worse for the booby-trapper for going to prison than I will for the hook-handed porch pirate, who by all evidence isn’t some poor person stealing to buy diapers but an anti-social piece of human garbage who steals for fun.

I know this seems like petty crime, but as internet shopping becomes more and more common, porch piracy is going to get worse.  If law enforcement doesn’t crack down on it, things will get out of hand.

If I were a mayor of a town, this time of year, from Black Friday to Christmas I would pay all the overtime I can to have police patrol residential neighborhoods during business hours to deter package theft.  And if a package thief is caught, not just should they be charged with theft, trespassing, tampering with the mail (if applicable), but every other fucking crime I could remotely make stick.   Then I would make a big hullabaloo about it on in the local media to put the fear of God into potential porch pirates.

I would rather see some porch pirate shot for resisting arrest over a $5 Amazon Prime box than hear about some middle-class development where people are getting ripped off.  The handful of Leftist protesters do not scare me.

This is about restoring order and stopping the anti-social from preying on decent society.

What is wrong with the other 8%?

From USA Today:

92% of Americans think their basic rights are being threatened, new poll shows

Most Americans surveyed – 92% – think their rights are under siege, according to a poll released Monday.

Only 92%?  What is wrong with the other 8%?  Are they actively fascist or are they just to dumb to see what is going on?

Americans are most concerned that their freedom of speech (48%), right to bear arms (47%) and right to equal justice (41%) are at risk, says the Harris Poll/Purple Project, which surveyed 2,002 people nationwide.

Boy howdy, in order of appearance, the 1st Amendment, 2nd Amendment, and 14th Amendment.

“When you frame something as a threat, it creates a bit of a political response, and it creates division and encampments of special interest,” said John Gerzema, CEO of the Harris Poll. That’s why political parties and lobbying groups warn supporters with strident language, he said: It’s easier to drum up backing for a political cause by talking about an issue in terms of “threats.”

But when you start to consider which rights and freedoms really matter, Gerzema said, poll responses changed – and Americans re-prioritized which values they cared about most.

Let’s break this down:

1: The Left is the one pushing “hate speech” restrictions, cancel culture, and deplatforming.  They are the ones who want to punish people over using the wrong pronouns.  They are also the ones pushing social media to police language and politics.

2: The Left is the anti-gun side.  This is self-evident.

3: Can anybody say Kavanaugh, Smollett, or Covington Catholic?  Guilt or innocence has nothing to do with evidence and everything to do with asses privilege and political alignment.  Back in the day, it was the Democrats who supported Jim Crow, so they really have never been interested in justice.

4: This goes back to everything in No. 1.

5: Which side is the one that tries to destroy Christian small businesses for not wanting to make gender transition cakes, forces nuns to provide abortions in Catholic hospitals, and won’t let Catholics run adoption agencies if they won’t adopt to gay couples?

The Right has generally shifted more socially libertarian.  The pro-family arguments I see most frequently coming from the Right are driven more by good data, e.g., kids do better in school when raised by married couples, than by Evangelical moralizing.

It is the Left that has unequivocally become the party of strict ideological conformity, shutting down everything it disagrees with.

When asked what rights and freedoms Americans would miss if they were taken away – rather than which ones are threatened – poll respondents’ concerns generally ticked upward.

Sixty-three percent said they would miss freedom of speech if that right was taken away, while nearly half would miss freedom of expression (46%) and the right to equal justice (45%).

“When you look at the things we really value, what makes America so special is these core tenets of our Constitution,” Gerzema said. “I just find it interesting to note how much Americans really value this.”

What the fuck?  Americans value the Constitution?  What inside-the-bubble shit-for-brains thinking is this?  In most of America, yes, we still value the Constitution and see it as something more than an impediment to Utopia.

The poll results come at a juncture in American politics where friction and division are more apparent – and Americans are overwhelmingly frustrated by the discourse. In fact, another recent survey, a Public Agenda/USA TODAY/Ipsos poll, shows that the divisive national debate over just about everything has convinced many that the country is heading in the wrong direction. More than nine of 10 in that poll said it’s crucial for the U.S. to try to reduce that divisiveness.

And that answers my question as to who are the 8% that don’t see our rights threatened.

I bet they are overwhelmingly the Radical Left on Twitter and inside the academic-media-activist complex that the Democrats listen to.

I wonder if those people were shut for one year, just how much most Democrats and Republicans would realize that there are in  fact very minor differences between the bulk of their beliefs and that the massive polarization of American politics is driven by the less than 10% of hysterical radicals on social media and key places of influence.