

ZOMG! Them White Rednecks NRA members are Domestic Terrorists!

CSGV domestic terrorsists

Don’t even bother with the article Ladd is quoting as it contains the usual amount of hyperbolic statements we are used to hear.

But, who are the biggest domestic terrorism threat in the US? We the Gun Nuts? ISIS (cross fingers they don’t show up or they show up at a 3-Gun Match).

Or is it unhinged Liberals?

The Rand corporation has this nifty searchable database of terrorist events worldwide. I selected the US, all events from 2000 to 2010 and got a very interesting result: Out of 113 incidents of terrorism in the USA, 71 are directly tied to the eco-terrorist groups Animal Liberation Front and Earth Liberation Front. Two go to the Coalition to Save The Preserves, another eco-terrorist group. Another 14 incidents were not claimed by the perpetrators but they are classified as eco-terrorism because of the targets (logging, car dealerships, laboratories, etc) and that brings a grand total of 87  acts of terrorism by the Liberal Nut side of the political equation where the Cult Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence resides in comfort. That is 76.99% of all terrorism in the US from 2000 to 2010.

In the same period, there has been zero terrorist attacks by the NRA, GOA, SAF, IDPA, USPSA, 3-Gun, Cowboy Action,….. OK, you guys get the idea.

Careful with them Tree Huggers as they are not as peaceful as they like to portray…just like CSGV.

tree huggers
Tree Hugging Activists at the University of California at Berkeley, July 2015.

Darn, I almost forgot my favorite unhinged tree huggers:


Remember: Gun Ownership is on its way out. Nobody is buying guns but a few rednecks.

NICS logo

More Americans had their backgrounds checked purchasing guns on Black Friday than any day in the on record, according to data released by the FBI this week.
The National Instant Criminal Background Check System processed 185,345 requests on November 27, one of the largest retail sales days in the country.”This was an approximate 5% increase over the 175,754 received on Black Friday 2014,” wrote Stephen Fischer, the FBI’s chief of multimedia productions. “The previous high for receipts were the 177,170 received on 12/21/2012.”…

Since 1998, FBI data shows that the bureau has processed requests for more than 220 million firearm purchases.

Source: Black Friday breaks record with 185K gun background checks

I want to say I did not participate in the absurd and disgusting consumerism fest of buying guns in Black Friday… The wife did not let me.

And if you did, I have only what thing to say to you: Hatechu and What did you get?

Opinion on the Colorado PP Shooting

This is all I want to say about the Colorado Planned Parenthood shooting:

First of all, I do not condone mass shootings.  I feel like I shouldn’t have to say that, but I just want to make it clear.

As per the issue of abortion.  On principle, I don’t like it, but I accept it as an ugly reality of modern day life.  A necessary evil.  The least worst option available at that moment.  Consequently, I am pro-choice, but from a mainly libertarian perspective.  I just don’t like the idea of the government having the power to make that choice on another person’s behalf.  Done.

Here is what I noticed in the media coverage of the PP shooting compared to other recent events.

Following the PP shooting, Democrat politicians and liberal pundits took to the airwaves and internet to #StandWithPP and condemn the “violent rhetoric” of the GOP that (supposedly) caused the shooting.  The undercover PP videos were roundly condemned again.  The left mounted a national media defense of Planned Parenthood and an attack on gun rights.

Following the Charlie Hebdo massacre and Texas “Draw Muhammad” shooting Democrat politicians and liberal pundits took to the airwaves and internet to bend over backwards to explain how there are limits to the 1st Amendment, freedom of speech doesn’t mean we should go around insulting Islam just because we can, we shouldn’t “punch down” by criticizing Islam, and how #JeSuisCharlie is defending white privilege.  The left mounted a national media attack waffling on the freedom of speech.

Watching all of this has left me with one conclusion.

If the right to kill unborn children is more important to you and a more defensible position to you than the freedom of speech, there is something fundamentally wrong with your political ideology and perhaps your soul.

Good Riddance to Bad Rubbish

Chicago Superintendent of Police Gary McCarthy has been FIRED!

I feel like breaking into song.

Politics being what they are, I am waiting for the inevitable backlash in the form of:

“Black Lives Matter has too much power.”

“The city should have stood up to the protesters.”

“Things will only get worse in Chicago now.”

Well, let me remind you that McCarthy’s covering up of a bad shoot murder by a police to protect an incumbent mayor was the least of his crimes against the people of Chicago.

Gary McCarthy is an anti-gun zealot who stated that his police would murder concealed carry permit holders in an attempt to intimidate Chicagoans into not applying for CCW permits.

Gary McCarthy oversaw Chicago’s Black Sites where Chicago PD would kidnap people, take them to warehouses, deny them legal protection, and torture them for information off the books.

Gary McCarthy systematically denied thousands of Chicagoans their 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 8th Amendment Constitutional rights.  Not to mention the wake of civil rights violations he left behind him in Newark, New Jersey.

There is NOTHING defensible about Gary McCarthy.  My only hope that this story doesn’t end with his firing.  May he spend the rest of his life in prison and then eternity in hell.

CSGV: Projection is such an ugly thing.

CSGV Colorado Springs

Ladd and Company are showing their creative juices by desperately trying to craft a new history. It seems that in this new version, Gun Owners and the NRA have managed to acquire power by behaving like banana republic guerrillas or Narcos and have thrown the gears of Democracy into some sort of perverse reverse. We are insurrectionists, degenerates and villains who are a shadow government controlling elected officials while driving through ghettos at night tossing machine guns from the back of trucks to gang members so they can kill innocent children on their way to school or church.

And you know something? I am OK with that. Obviously not that the new narrative is right, but because it is so blatantly over the top, even your followers start questioning it and the regular folks blink hard and shake their heads at the obvious fabrications. The more Ladd and the unpaid Social Media intern kick the exaggerations, the more they lose credibility with the masses.

Here is an example of shooting themselves in the foot:

CSGV bans Gun Control advocate

What was the challenge? Mr. Owen disputed the latest CSGV story re-write:


Is it not the mantra of the Gun Control groups that the NRA wanted EVERYBODY to have guns so the gun manufacturers could rake in the profits? Wasn’t Colin Noir criticized as being a marketing tool to sell guns to Minorities? Yet when Mr. Owen points this out to CSGV, he gets blocked. And again, he is not a gun nut but an avowed Gun Control fan, but he dared to demand an explanation why the sudden change. The consequence of this? Maybe Mr. Owen will revise his support to Gun Control groups and his own beliefs and so will those who may have been watching the exchange. At the very least, they gave me material for this blog and now resides in the interwebs as example of the Gun Control fascism, the fascism they accuse us of doing.

Narratives and dogma are the tools of the mentally lazy, the intellectually dishonest and those seeking power no matter the cost. People like CSGV cannot understand that the advances made by the Gun Culture were not instantaneously by bribe or done by threat (as they do themselves) but after decades of long work in multiple fronts. Heller did not start in 2002 but in 1974 when the Second Amendment Foundation was created to research the judiciary history of Gun Rights. And it was the next year when the NRA had the Cincinnati Revolt and included in its principles the defense of gun rights via Legislatures and the Executive by the use of the ballot box. The average “Gun Nut” took upon themselves to challenge the newspapers writing letters to the editor and then flooding the internet to spread the message of the Second Amendment and did it under wave after wave of invective and character assassinations that would have sent lesser people running inside a hole. But we took those insults and made them badges of merit. That confounded them and still have not figured out why we do not relent.

We used the Ballot Box, The Jury Box and the Soap Box with more than moderate success and we will keep doing it because we understand what entails using the Fourth Box.

It has been forty long years of work to reach where we are and we probably have another forty to go.

And we will not stop.




Brady Campaign: That beautiful rush to the wrong assumption. UPDATE.

Brady Chicago U threat

CSGV is usually the one that provide with excellent material for the collages, but the Brady Campaign need to get an honorable mention for jumping the proverbial gun and stepping into it with class. Not quite profound or invective as Ladd and his Laddites, but baby steps also work.

Brady Chicago U threat 2

So who was issuing the threats?

Federal officials charged a Chicago engineering student Monday with making the online threat that shut down the University of Chicago for a day, saying his threat to kill U. of C. students and staff was in response to the police shooting of Laquan McDonald. Jabari R. Dean, 21, a student at the University of Illinois at Chicago, was charged with transmitting a threat in interstate commerce.

“This is my only warning. At 10 a.m. on Monday mourning, I am going to the campus quad of the University of Chicago. I will be armed with an M-4 Carbine and 2 Desert Eagles all fully loaded. I will execute approximately 16 white male students and or staff, which is the same number of time McDonald was killed,” Dean wrote, according to court records. “I then will die killing any number of white policemen in the process. This is not a joke. I am to do my part to rid the world of the white devils. I expect you to do the same.”

Source: Man charged in threat at University of Chicago linked to Laquan McDonald shooting – Chicago Tribune

And no, I could not find a picture of Mr. Dean. Apparently nobody has one, no matter where I looked.

He is probably a White Separatist without access to a Selfie, who knows? (/sarcasm)

Update (12/1/15): Several readers were kind enough to point me to the sketch of Jabari Dean made in federal court.

Jabari Dean sketch

Untouchable: The tradition continues for the ATF and not like in the movies.

Imagine if you will that you worked for a large company and were issued both a company car and company-provided credit card. Then imagine what would happen if you decided to use that company car to drive to a casino, to use that company-provided credit card to get a cash advance to buy chips, and you did it all on company time.You would likely be fired and perhaps even prosecuted for stealing from your employer. Or, at least, that is how it should work in the real world.
However, if you were a BATFE Special Agent and you did this, then you just might get promoted to Special Agent in Charge of a Field Division and move into the Senior Executive Service. According to the summary report from the DOJ’s Office of Inspector General posted to CleanUpATF.org, that is exactly what happened.

Source: No Lawyers – Only Guns and Money: Malfeasance Rewarded

ATF needs to be disbanded, the building demolished and whatever ground remains, covered in salt. Since I’ve been following their deeds in the 90s, I have not seen another agency get away with so much without any consequences.

Earlier this year, there was the big scandal of the FBI’s forensic hair analysis and thousands of cases are now up for review for basically making stuff up. They are babes compared to the crap that ATF has been pulling through the years and allowed to get away. And don’t get me started on loss weapons, ammunition and laptops.

Like the Volstead Act, ATF needs to go the way of the Prohibition-Era gangsters: To the history books.