There is dissent, there is even violent protesting, and then there is the announcement of warfare.

In case you are wondering who is the Nazi, just go to the nearest mirror. And no, you do not need to lockstep with the principles of the NSDAP or even have a Swastika Flag tacked up inside your garage: To be classified as Nazi, you just need to have a different opinion than the Left. The difference of opinion could be about immigration or beignets, if you dare to differ from the approved way of thinking (that day) you are to be punished in an extreme way.

And disabuse yourself of the notion that violence is only  used by a minority  on the Left without the acceptance of the majority: It is being fully supported by the mainstream “Rojillos” that see nothing bad about tuning up somebody they don’t like:

This exchange happened yesterday long before shit went downhill in Berkeley. Nicole is not some Millennial going to school but actually an English teacher that even if fully vested on the Leftie philosophy, she should know better between good and evil, between Legal and Illegal. Apparently not:

Fair play is for suckers, you are only allowed too hit the targets they deem enemies and the will support your attacks as long as they can watch from a distance far enough the blood does not splatter on their clothing. Even a momentary attack of morality can be easily smothered for the cause. She does not realize it, but she spoke like a true Nazi. Of course, shit hits the fan and the tides were to turn, she would claim innocence and that she was never a part of the violence…pretty much like what we see in this video clip.

One of the things that initially surprised me about last night’s protests at Berkerly but promptly I understood was the weak reaction from the Police: A 5-year-old throwing a tantrum at a supermarket had more force than the cops last night. But I won’t blame them: probably they were ordered to take light against the poorly misguided kids, and they were not willing to risk salary and pension on an accusation of police brutality by a bunch of progressive assholes who have no problem lying to the court. So why bother? Let them burn and break stuff, just as it happened in Baltimore with the blessings of the Mayor. But that also means you are on your own out there.  In some locales, politicians must kowtow to the left and in a lot of others, they think the old rules are still in play and they must appear “wise” and “balanced” which mean they will lean to the side that makes the biggest noise… and yes, the type of noise is going to be defined at a later date and probably will not come out of a bullhorn.

Basically, the Socialist Strike Force is out on force and they have the full support of the Mainstream Left Winger. They are getting away with shit because we are still being polite and thinking the Law will take care of them. I think it is time for you to prepare for the sad reality, you are wearing a Yellow Star or a Pink Triangle or have a copy of 1984 or Animal Farm or did something the New Nazis will consider enough to pass sentence on you.

It is gonna get much worse.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

11 thoughts on “Lessons from an English Teacher and Berkerly”
  1. Interesting that she tossed in that “disadvantaged” angle, but not surprising given the trend for “intersectional” activism.

    On the subject of punching “Nazis,” I recently had a short exchange with a friend-of-a-friend on Facebook, with this other person advocating it:

    Me: “Firstly, it’s a bad idea to escalate from a no-threat situation to a threat situation via causing it yourself because you punch someone due to their stances/beliefs. Secondly, you’re essentially helping to prove their point that they have ‘enemies’ they need to band against and oppose, possibly violently. In both cases, you’re making the situation worse for yourself.”
    Him: “Your ideas have been thoroughly debunked.”

    I asked for clarification & explanation on how what I said had been “debunked,” but of course I got no answer.

  2. I have long held the belief that only two things separated the Nazis (The real 1930’s variety not the current relatively impotent and laughable wannabe variety) and the Communists: One is the shape of their symbols and the other is the overt anti-semitism of the Nazis. The Communists are anti-Semitic also, they just hide it better (and tend to lump it together with their disdain for all religions), and wait until their ensconced in power. I expect Commiefornia to begin the process of taxing Synagogs, and Churches (Mosques to come later) out of existence.

    1. Well, yeah. The Communists were international socialists — wanting a global socialist state. The Nazis were national socialists — wanting a socialist state containing only their nationality.

      Fascism was Mussolini — a life-long communist — figuring out that an Italian factory worker has more in common with an Italian factory owner than with a Russian factory worker. Made socialism easier to sell, and let him play off “the glory of Rome”. Hitler adopted it and added then-extant racial theories that were popular in socialist circles of the day — like among America’s Progressives.

      When someone calls Nazis “right wing”, they’re following the lead of Stalin, who first classified them that way. He meant they were to the “right” of international socialism — not that they were capitalists or classical liberal.

      1. The SS was moving to being more of an international socialist organization, happily recruiting racially acceptable members from pretty much every conquered nation.

  3. Stocking Cap Boy should remember that not everyone who agrees that the only good fascist is a dead fascist may agree on who the fascists are.

  4. OH MY GOD Miguel this is so creepy! I don’t think I’ve ever been publicly analyzed before. Hey, folks, by all means, take a look at the entire convo–it was fascinating–particularly the part where Miguel got reeeaal quiet when I asked him if he thought all science was pretend, or if he had some actual sources that supported his positive prognosis for the planet’s future. My commentary (as a commie leftist English teacher): Miguel was really confused by/uninterested in the distinction between doing something and thinking its funny that someone else did something….The difference between ethical principles and laws….And the ‘disadvantaged’ comment was specifically to clarify that I don’t think it’s cool for men to hit women, or cops to hit anybody, and beyond that, I just don’t care very much. So Miguel, truly, if you want to pretend like we’re in the midst of some sort of super-violent football game, and that my admitting to not caring in the slightest that someone punched Spencer (I think, with some physical therapy, he’s gonna pull through, by the way, but yes, it was a great tragedy for his family, I’m sure) is some sort of ‘permission’ to be ‘impolite’ and start punching people you don’t like–by all means, do it! The more of this romantic, semi-literate revolutionary fan-fiction I read, the more I wonder if you might not better off with a little institutional help (speaking of which–is this the only thing you do all day? Are you ill or something? Good grief.). Okay–I’m sure my friends will get a kick out of this, so thanks for the memories. Please don’t track me down and get impolite with me, Miguel–okay?

    1. “And the ‘disadvantaged’ comment was specifically to clarify that I don’t think it’s cool for men to hit women, or cops to hit anybody, and beyond that, I just don’t care very much.”

      IMO, if Party A instigates/escalates and hits Party B, Party B has a right to defend his/her/whateverself as necessary, no matter if Party A is a woman or a non-cop.* You’re a woman and don’t want to get hit by a man? Don’t hit a man.** You’re a non-cop and don’t want to get hit by a cop? Don’t hit a cop. Being “disadvantaged” is not a shield from the repercussions of one’s actions.

      * disparity of force and proportionality of response taken into consideration, of course
      ** this is not an absolvement or cop-out on spousal abuse, so don’t even go there

  5. “She doesn’t realize it, but she spoke like a true Nazi.’ Sigh. I’ve read Mein Kampf, Miguel. I know what “true Nazis” sound like.

    1. Hi Nicole! Now remember you are the one that approves and giggles at the notion of beating the shit out of people because they dare to have a different political view. We are just willing to play by the same rules and treat your side the same way.

      Update: Damn… She blocked me!

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