If you are wondering what is this about:

A study released Thursday links the use of hydroxychloroquine by COVID-19 patients to lower death rates, as health experts around the country try to find an effective treatment to combat the pandemic.

The study, conducted by Michigan’s Henry Ford Health System, states that hydroxychloroquine, the controversial anti-malarial drug heralded by the White House as a potential treatment for the coronavirus, “significantly” lowered the mortality rate among COVID-19 patients.

In patients who received the drug, the death rate was 13 percent as compared to a death rate of 26.4 percent in patients who weren’t administered the treatment.

“The findings have been highly analyzed and peer-reviewed,” Marcus Zervos, co-author of the study and division head of Infectious Disease for Henry Ford Health System, said in a statement. “We attribute our findings that differ from other studies to early treatment, and part of a combination of interventions that were done in supportive care of patients, including careful cardiac monitoring. Our dosing also differed from other studies not showing a benefit of the drug.”

Study ties hydroxychloroquine use to lower COVID-19 death rate

In less “glamorous” and “civilized” days, these politicians would be removed form their homes in the middle of the night and probably hanged from the nearest tree for allowing innocent people to die for their political profit.

Not saying that everything old should be new again…


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “Never forget: They want you dead: Hydroxychloroquine is bad for you”
  1. Remember when Governor Whitmer banned the use of Hydroxychloroquine for COVID patients in her state? Because she’s medically qualified to make decisions like that because OrangeManBad.

  2. But you have to believe the science, unless the conclusions don’t equal “Orange Man Bad.” Oh yeah, you must wear mask.

  3. Pretty soon they’ll say outside air is bad for you. It’s coming.

    They’ve been pushing that narrative for a while, and now that their other b.s. has been called out and they are losing control of the sheeple, this is next.

  4. On the “scientist have got to science” front, a few weeks ago John’s Hopkins doctors published a paper saying that there was no link. This was pushed far and wide as proof orangeman stupid.

    Today that paper has the words “retracted” all over it.

    The scientist found they were wrong and pulled their paper correctly.

    1. Is that the paper based on “data” from some company no one had ever heard of, data which the lead “investigator” had actually never seen (at least that is what he claimed)? That was the one that should have shut down Lancet, but probably won’t because Lancet is now a political left wing rag rather than a medical journal.

  5. I remember reading several of the early “studies.”

    One in Brazil was treating patients with almost toxic overdoses of the drug.
    Many in the US were giving the drug to patients that were already hospitalized and often were already on ventilators.
    Most did not include Zinc Supplements. Old people are often Zinc and Vitamin D deficient. Some, but not all included the Z-Pack.

    Almost like some Doctors and Hospital Administrators wanted these Hydroxy Chloriquine studies to fail? Who will champion a cheap generic drug when there is money to be made by drug salespeople pushing new expensive drugs still on patent?

    If you or your parents are in the over 50 demographic, take precautions, avoid crowds, and make sure you take enough Vitamins B, C, D, and supplements like Zinc, Calcium and Magnesium. Activities outside in sunlight are safer than indoors or at night, and you can make Vitamin D too.

    There are now plenty of tests available, if you are ill with symptoms, GET TESTED! Demand they do more than just supportive care and hope you recover.

  6. First axiom of politics is always in full effect. Had the POTUS had a (D) following his name, the media would be trumpeting how brilliant (s)he was to recommend investigating the cheap, readily available drug.

  7. Hydroxychloroquine is such a big question to the humanity. Thanks for posting up this blog. I love the way you present you thoughts with help of words. Keep posting.

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