The next acquistion in honor of San Francisco.

A generous reader allowed me to obtain a lower and I have been trying to decide what to do with it. But seeing that the Elders of SanFran have tagged me as terrorist, I am going to save my nickles and buy one of this:

PSA 10.5″ 5.56 NATO 1/7″ Nitride Upper with BCG & Charging Handle – 516445367 $219

I know, I said I was not going to get a pistol AR, but screw it. I recently bought all lower internals but sans arm brace which I don’t really care to get.  The idea of a LEGAL short AR15 as response to the West Coast assholes is something I had to do. I just hope we don’t have another rush and sends the price up.

And although I don’t put name to my guns, I believe this one requires one.  I am trying to decide between “Tengo* Tango” or “Street Shitter” both honoring The City By The Bay.

If you excuse me, I have to look in the couch for some coinage.

*Tengo = Spanish for “I have”


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Chest Thumper® “trolls” ?

From the comments:

Serious question: is this blog in existence for any purpose other than armchair bitching, complaining, and generally SUICIDAL type rantings relating to “OHNOES!!!” Or for the express purpose of overstating the need for NRA in present form and/or felating of NRA leadership in general? Is there any action you plan on taking other than whining? Would be helpful to know this to figure out which blogs to clear from my daily read.
Are you part of the problem or part of the solution?

Officially this year I took the position of being exactly like you: An asshole waiting to get a machine gun and free ammo dropped in my lap. I really do not need  to do anything else after 11 years of being pretty much the only Hispanic Pro Gun Blogger and trying to keep my readers informed  of the doing of the Opposition. I was one of the very first ones that sounded the alarm about Shannon Watts and her bullshit story of being a Stay-At-Home mom when she really was a democrat political operative funded by who we eventually found out as Bloomberg. Or keeping Floridians informed of what is going on in our legislature, providing links to the actual text of the bills rather than somebody’s interpretation.   And I have done the same thing for the bill presented in DC.  To that add all the advice, crappy and not about a defensive life and humor stuff that sometimes we need.

So again, I have 11 years invested in this blog chockfull of information and I don’t give a shit if my positions hurts your delicate mangina.  It is up to you know to solve the incoming tide of shit we will be facing soon enough… and please do so without any resource brought to you by the NRA.

In other words, stop with the bullshit and get to work. I expect results and soon.  I need my free ammo no later than next week




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AOC let the truth about UBC out on Twitter

Congressman Dan Crenshaw sent out a Tweet about why he’s against universal background checks.

I generally don’t lend people my guns, but whatever.  Currently what he did is legal according to the laws of the State of Texas.

His point about not being able to let people borrow his guns with a UBC law has to deal with the fact that according to H.R. 8 any such transfer would require going to an FFL to do a NICS check and 4473, pay a transfer fee, and would essentially make the borrower the new owner of the gun.

That is an expensive hassle.

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez jumped on Crenshaw, saying that he was breaking the law assuming that the people he lent his guns to were criminals, i.e., he was lending them guns because they couldn’t pass background checks.

If you go into Crenshaw’s Tweet, you will see that the same assumption is made by just about everyone commenting.

At this point, all is stupid.

Here is where it takes a turn for the worse.

Fine, valid point.  AOC’s response?

Assume that everyone is a domestic abuser.

One would think that Dan would know the friends he trusts well enough to lend guns to, to not be abusers.

If the abuse is that well hidden, then there is likely no conviction to get flagged by a background check anyway.

Furthermore, as we at this blog have covered before, the closure of the “boyfriend loophole” is a move that will guarantee abuse as bad as the worst Red Flag laws.

Gun rights are going to be flushed away by the abandonment of “innocent until proven guilty.”  The new standard will be “we don’t know, but we’re going to assume the worst.”

Just because you don’t have an arrest or a conviction doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be a prohibited person, it just means that nobody has come forward to accuse you of something yet.

I can guarantee you that if the Presidential candidates that are calling for national gun licensing get their way, your national gun license will be as may issue as a New Jersey CCW permit.

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Dear San Francisco did not do the math on the NRA Terrorist thing, did they?

This was posted originally in March last year. I am just going to Copy and Paste the whole thing.

Michael Bane keeps repeating something that is true: The Liberals are chumming the waters. It is like they were betting heavily on a bad response, a bloody act and then somehow, magically and by the force of their convictions, nothing else would happen but they get to control everybody because magic.

These people need to revisit the tale of Pandora’s box. They also need to know that an average of 500 members of Irish Republican Army kept the British Army entangled for decades in an island where they have absolute control of comings and goings and no Bill of Rights to impede them.

They may be interested to know that from 1964 to 2017 the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) drove the Colombian Government crazy to the point they rather pardon them and stop the killing than keep fighting them. The FARC ended up controlling one-third of Colombia and took over the growing and processing of coca leaves into cocaine paste. We are talking about 7,000 armed revolutionaries controlling and area the size of the State of California with only 7,000 armed people.

Since 1991,Abu Sayaff has been basically in control of the south of the Philippines with 1,500 members at its peak, 400 members estimated now. The government cannot get rid of them.

In Peru, Shinning Path (1982) was possibly the cruelest and most sadistic assholes of all terrorist groups in South America. Even though the leader of the group was arrested and the organization is a shadow of what it was, they are still active. Number of members? Although nowadays they run under 500, at its highest they had about 2,000 they managed to keep a tight grip 124,000 square miles of Peru, roughly the size of New Mexico.

So basically you have the example of four real terrorist organizations totaling under ten thousand individuals, controlling more than a quarter million square miles of territory of four countries without any Bill Of Rights’ protections for decades. The question now is very simple:

Do you really want five million NRA members becoming the thing you call us?

Food for thought on that one.


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Total war is coming

Miguel beat me to the punch with his post, San Francisco: The NRA is officially a terrorist organization.

What he didn’t post was the video from KTVU.

Clearly everything that woman says is horse-shit.  Absolute horse-shit.

None of these mass shootings have been carried out by NRA members.  Being a civil rights group advocating for the protection of a Constitutional Amendment is not domestic terrorism.  I could spend all day debunking her accusation point by point but it’s not worth the effort.  To the thinking person, this is ridiculous on its face.

As for what the effect of this will be, I’m not sure.  Is it purely symbolic or would the police have the authority to break up NRA meetings?  Could they arrest and detain anybody with an NRA hat or NRA sticker on their truck?

The purpose of this, however, is evident.  It is to demonize NRA members.  To make them as credible in the public eye as ISIS or Al Qaeda.  This is character assassination at its finest.

I have to disagree with the NRA that the purpose of this is to distract from the needles and human shit on the streets of San Francisco.  This is much bigger than that.

The same day that San Francisco passed this resolution, Rolling Stone published this horse-shit.

How a Right-Wing Troll Managed to Manipulate the Mainstream Media
When a milkshake to the face brought the spotlight on Andy Ngo, politicians and talking heads on both sides were happy to take on his cause: demonizing antifa.

So according to the Rolling Stone, Antfia is being unjustifiably demonized.  For beating people up, spraying them with caustic chemicals and pepper spray, destruction of property, attacking cops, and sending people to the hospital.

Rolling Stone isn’t alone in this.

The New York Post published this: Liberals cheer as antifa violence escalates.

Quilette published this: It’s Not Your Imagination: The Journalists Writing About Antifa Are Often Their Cheerleaders.

Grabien has a video montage of media personalities praising and defending Antifa.

Just yesterday I wrote a post about two sitting members of Congress, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Rep. Ayanna Pressley who called for monitary support for bail money for an Antifa group that attacked police who were providing security at the Boston Straight Pride parade, resulting in injuries to police and 36 arrests.

Earlier this year I attended NRAAM for the first time.  It was a blast.  There was no violence, no assaults, no arrests, no people being pepper-sprayed or hit with hammers and bike locks.  Just a bunch of people enjoying their gun rights in downtown Indianapolis.  Very, very different than the videos we’ve seen of Antifa direct action in Portland.

So while San Francisco is busy declaring America’s oldest civil rights organization a domestic terrorist group, their ideological compatriots are busy defending an actual terrorist group that has made death threats, attacked people, and destroyed property.

But this is not all.

On MSNBC, Susan del Percino advocated that gun-safety activists “play dirty pool” and go after NRA board members personally with public shaming and destruction of their business.  From there, it will only spread to all NRA members.

Beyond just the NRA, the attack on anyone Right of center is getting worse and more vicious.

Remember that only a few weeks ago a sitting member of Congress, Rep. Joaquin Castro publicly named and shamed Trump donors in San Antonio.

Just a few days ago, Debra Messing and Eric McCormack discovered that a Trump fundraiser was being held in Beverly Hills and demanded that the Hollywood media list the names and show the faces of every attendee so they (Messing and McCormack) could create a “list” of people who should never be allowed to work in Hollywood again.

As we go into the 2020 election and the Democrat candidates seem to suck more and more, the goal of the Left will be to win by the total social suppression of any contradictory message.

Do you want to speak up against a mandatory buyback?

Now you are a terrorist and a bigot and it’s justified for Antifa to beat you down.

Do you feel like donating to a Republican or the NRA?

You will be doxxed and shamed and fired from your job made into a pariah.

We have 14 months left until the 2020 election and the rate at which this is spinning out of control is accelerating.

Total hegemonic war is coming.

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