It is long overdue, but I want to thank all of you who donated to keep Troglodite services under the ruling of AWA as our Webhost Magician for another year. I believe you all have noticed how smooth the site has been running and we owe it to him.

I went to the post office to finally mail him his check and I had to come home because the place was packed and the usual Federal slowness was in progress. I can print my USPS labels online thankyouverymuch, so I grabbed a Priority Mail envelope and returned home.

After I got the label and envelope ready, I realized I had to cross the street to the mailbox and I was still fully geared but without cover garment… and I remembered that I was in OC Country, so, I OCed. About 17 cars went by (OK, only 3 but felt like that many) while I placed the envelope in the box and I returned back inside with my wife looking and smiling as if saying “Good boy!”

No, I did not pant.

And that is what OC represents to me: A convenience to be used in specific and temporary moments. And to stave off any fights, you carry the way you want and prepare accordingly.

Spread the love

By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

13 thoughts on “Thank you for your donations and I Open Carried!”
      1. Sorry, Miguel, but as you know, a man’s got to take the free shot. I’m so ol,,, mature, I pant walking to take dump. LMAO

  1. We have OC here in Virginia. It’s nice to have the option. Seen a few OC’s in my time; as far as I can tell, nobody stared or even blinked at the armed intruder in the local fast shop…
    Yay, OC!

  2. I believe that OC is required for all states. I’ve seen to many cops claim that printing is Open Carrying and some poor schmuck who’s shirt printed or who’s belt tuck went wrong is now in trouble.

    We don’t see a lot of OC around here and it is considered “bad form” so to speak.

    I had a Christmas type party a few years ago. I was carrying, about half my guests were carrying. But I knew that I had a few people there that were uncomfortable around guns.

    One, an ex cop, was carrying in such a way as to show off his gun without it being exactly open carry. That “I’m armed, you should know it, because I’m extra cool.”

    I took him aside and told him: I don’t care if you are carrying, but conceal, there are people that are uncomfortable seeing your gun flash like that. He started to say something about other people that had printed or that he knew were carrying and I cut him off “yeah, there are other people here carrying, but the concerned aren’t staring at them, they are staring at you.”

    When I lived in Maryland and took my guns to the range I felt like I was doing something dirty and illegal as I tried to move guns in cases and range bags to the car without anybody seeing me. Because what would they think?

    Today I’m somewhat careful about it. I put the loading door facing away from the street but it’s no longer an issue.

    But every time I moved a gun to or from my car in Maryland it felt like a thousand people were watching me.

      1. @rick, I’m sorry, I wasn’t clear. I’ve had no trouble Open Carrying when I do. You’ve seen what OC means to me. OWB with a light weight jacket covering but not worrying about the bottom of the holster showing from time to time.

        “Bad Form” was me trying to take a line from _Hook_ where things were not forbidden but it just wasn’t done.

        So nobody says anything about people open carrying but the tendency around here is to not open carry.

        I’m the only person I know that has ever said anything to people open carrying. The one I described above and a friend of mine that was at an VFW with an open carry and was wondering why people were giving him “the eye.”

        As I explained it to him, it was that these were people that had been there, done that and had the medals to show for it. To be flashing his firearm was sort of rude.

        I know that none of those vets and their friends and family had an issue with anybody carrying, it was that in your face arrogance that gets to people. “Look at me! I’ve got a gun on my hip!”

        And having met you, that is not a vib you give off. It is the vib that the cop above gave off and my friend was giving off. To my friends credit, he still carries but it is no longer with the attitude.

  3. I love the convenience of OC here in warm weather. Really, even in cold weather when I go to a restaurant–I can remove my jacket with out people diving for the floor. 8>)

  4. A few months ago, my son and I were on a road trip to pick up a piece of furniture and went by a cop pointing the other direction, I saw him do the U turn thing so was waiting for the lights to come on.

    The issue was that the stickers never showed up in 2020 so my plates had the wrong flash on them.

    Cop comes up, we do the right things, I tell him that my papers are in the glove box and he’s “no problem, the car belongs to you? I’ll just pull up the registration from your license.”

    I had to reach for my wallet so I told him “My wallet is in my pocket, I’ve got my firearm in a holster right there.”

    “No problem.” was all he said as I reached in and took out my wallet.

    That’s the attitude of most of the cops in the rural parts of our state. It is only in the cities that you start to see attitude.

  5. I conceal carry every night when I go for a one mile walk, usually around 11pm. But the butt of my .38 S&W Chief’s Special sticks out of my walking shorts. So it becomes open carry which I am licensed for here in Texas. And becomes constitutional carry on Sept 1, 2021.

  6. Telling the officer what you are doing before you do it, pausing, and then doing it slowly is only good manners, and avoids making the officer nervous or unhappy. A happy officer is more likely to let you go with a warning in my experience. I think my last actual ticket was last century.

  7. Shortly after TDW-Mark II got her CPL, she got pulled over in our little town for a light or something.

    She notified the officer that her sidearm was in her purse along with her licence and her CPL.

    He said, “Oh yeah? What do you carry? My wife is talking about getting her own CPL, and is unsure what gun to carry”

    So, as she tells the story, they had a nice little roadside chat (with no show-and-tell) about concealed carry for the ladies, and her solutions.

    And an admonition to get her light repaired.

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