By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “The best headline you probably missed: Schadenboner Edition”
  1. There’s a line in Animal House where one of the babes turns to the good looking Stud Muffin and says, “Face it, it wasn’t that good”

    That’s what Kaepernick has to do. He’s just not that good. Granted he had a couple of good seasons, but his last couple were … (I’ll be polite) pretty average. Now he’s old and average. For an NFL player, that translates to “car salesman.”

    Not a disgrace. There are tons of guys who played at NFL-level for a few years then were out of the game.

    1. The most penetrating analysis says Kaepernick deliberately tanked the tryout to get more martyr points. The cold rational analysis is that woke points don’t win championships and there are numerous quarterbacks with better game records and less baggage.

  2. Football is a team sport, and only the really good Primma Donnas can get away with this sort of prissy nonsense.

    He’s just not good enough to justify the antics.

  3. Perhaps, since he does not strongly identify with honorable actions/reactions that we Americans respectfully display when our National Anthem is played, he could find a team in another country – even a similar sport? – who would entertain hiring him?
    How about Rugby or Soccer?

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