I believe they will happen, but not to Trump. Even the biggest idiot has to realize tempers are too hot to do such thing and the transition will happen anyway. But then again, they are really big idiots.

But since it was brought up, I may as well announce something I have been thinking about for a while now. It is a Blog Pool much like an office pools and you need to guess a date.

The date when the 25th Amendment will be applied to Joe Biden to be removed from office. 

I am thinking give everybody a first and a second choice of dates just to increase the chances of winning. As for the prize,  I have nothing valuable unless a kind soul donates something. About the only thing I can offer yet is a full sized poster of John Ross’ Unintended Consequences.

I will keep things simple: I’ll have you send me an email with your dates and name (nickname acceptable) and I will have a page dedicated to list all dates. It will be one person per date and it is going to be first come – first served.

More details as I think this thing through. The pool starts after Pedo Joe swears in.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

17 thoughts on “Those talks about invoking the 25th Amendment…”
  1. They will remove Biden the day after the date when Harris can run for 8 years on her own after fulfilling the rest of Biden’s term

  2. I’d been assuming that Handy Joe would get to be President for thirty seconds (think Blackadder), but…
    The President is irrelevant. So long as the permanent executive branch has use of his autopen, he doesn’t need to do anything himself, including breathing.
    I’m reminded that, as Douglas Adams explained, “His job is not to wield power but to draw attention away from it.”
    So when will giggling tyrant-in-waiting Cartagia Harris be crowned Empress and allowed to play with the shiny things? Whenever a much greater distraction is needed. The excesses of her court, and the opportunities for glowing “news” coverage, will provide more distraction than we can possibly imagine.

  3. I’m with Joseph Roberts. Two years and a day is probably the ‘target date’.

    But I don’t think it’ll disrupt things for the bastards too much if Joe starts decomposing ahead of schedule. Since they’ve found they can cheat in elections, who cares if they only get eight years out of Roundheels Harris? They can put someone else up when she’s done.

    1. True, but – even in cheatin’ times – no-incumbent elections are always a riskier proposition. As Trump’s election in 2016 conclusively demonstrated. Why would the Dems want to take a chance on that before they have to?

  4. I give Dementia Joe about 30 days, and then he “unexpectedly” passes peacefully in his sleep from a very stressful campaign.

  5. For those suggesting “half his term plus a day”, I’ll just point out that the 22nd Amendment is a racist, sexist relic, and Cartagia is entitled to unlimited terms as a form of reparations.

  6. I’ve I were a betting man, I’d agree with Divemedic and say by St. Paddy’s day. But a good over/under for me would be June 1st.

  7. There are some other interesting angles connected to the 25th Amendment.

    In spite of what reporters say consistently, the procedures given there do not “remove” the President. What they do is temporarily set him aside to let the VP be Acting President. The clear intent is for this to be used when the President is incapacitated and unable himself to declare the VP needs to step in.
    In particular, the President can object to the action. If he does, the cabal can reaffirm their move. If they do that, Congress is required to decide the answer, and unless they support the cabal by 2/3d majorities in both houses, the President resumes his duties. There is no limit on how often the President can exercise this objection process; if he loses it at one time he can do it again a few days later.
    So this means that if Harris & friends were to pull this, the question becomes: (1) does Biden quietly slink back to his basement or does he object? (2) if he objects, does his objection prevail? In deciding about an objection, the Republicans may well hold the deciding vote.

  8. My guess (ever since Harris was named the running mate) has been one year to eighteen months. This gives them the fig leaf of Biden having actually been president and gets any controversy over invoking the 25th over and done before the midterm elections start in earnest.

    So my guess for the pool is January 2022 or May 2022.

    1. He doesn’t need to be coherent enough to take the oath of office. DC will be on hard lockdown, so a CGI version of Handsy Joe taking the oath will suffice – they won’t even need an animatronic dummy.

      1. Besides, it doesn’t matter, As soon as the Electoral College voted and those two became President-elect and VP-elect, the succession rules of the 25th amendment came into effect. Joe could have become conveniently incapacitated on Dec 15, 2020, and Kamala would have taken over then. The inauguration affects only his taking office, not the succession.

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