At least that is my opinion.  Is there any doubt left out there that Bloomberg’s cash made a difference?

I figure that by this time next year, Virginia will return to what is wat 20 years ago when it comes to Gun Rights or close to it.   They may have a chance to revert their legislature in two years, but by then the damage would be great.

And Florida? My guess is that with Virginia now under their control, Bloomberg and his gang will focus on us. It seems a decent amount of legislators are terming out and that opens lots of possibilities for the Democrats to flip at least one chamber.

At the time of this posting, there were 24 Gun Control bills slated to be discussed and approved for the 2020 legislative year versus three Pro Gun Bills. I still do not see a clear Pro Gun leader in the Legislature who would be the lightning rod/battering ram for our cause.  That means we cannot longer play stupid games or be plain lazy and expect things will go our way because Republicans are the majority.

We are going to need both a continued phone/fax/email bombardment to our legislators and a presence at the subcommittees. If the only thing they see is a bunch of Moms Demand Red shirts, that is where the legislators think power is now concentrated and will move towards them. There is no way in hell anybody can tell me there are no Gun Right people within 25 miles of Tallahassee that can take a few hours off their schedules to at least show up and say a few words. to the politicians.

And no, Tactical Fishing does not help unless you can find us a billionaire willing to go farther than Bloomberg on expenditure for our cause.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “Virgina went Blue. Florida is Next.”
  1. I’m not sure how much Bloomberg made a difference.

    The former Governor of Virginia was caught in Blackface and the Media and Va Democratic Party bent over backwards and then some to excuse it and make it go away.

    This was after a campaign to call the Republican candidate, who was never photographed in Blackface, a racist.

    Virginia has been polluted by Democrats spilling out of DC and Maryland, and they are the kind of partisan, fanatical Democrats who would rather vote for their guy in Blackface than the “racist Republican.”

    This really isn’t a matter of money as it is a battle against religious zealotry.

  2. “Virginia has been polluted by Democrats spilling out of DC and Maryland, and they are the kind of partisan, fanatical Democrats who would rather vote for their guy in Blackface than the “racist Republican.””

    Sad but true. I have a cousin who lives in Alexandria and that place has changed, and not for the better, since around 2006. I’m guessing it was a reflection of what was happening to the rest of the state, where a lot of DemonKKKrat transplants made a large portion of the state to go *woke.*
    It doesn’t help that Republitards in purple states don’t vote for some mystical reason. SMH

    I’m already looking at places to move to if Floridah goes full woke retard.

  3. The wife and I have been making contingency plans for leaving Florida for when it goes retard. We are thinking of Georgia or Tennessee.

  4. The subject was commies moving to FLA.
    My lovely friend in Ft Myers said ‘we’ won’t let them in. I asked how will you do that? She said the Gov. just did something or nother to that effect. She could not remember exactly. Any ideas?

  5. “ Is there any doubt left out there that Bloomberg’s cash made a difference?”

    Yes lots of doubt. VA has been going blue for a long time, and his money made no difference at all.

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