The idiot from the last post continued:

Besides the obvious fact he went through the blog to cllect info and then try to appear himself as some sort of advanced intellect by correctly “guessing” stuff about me, the use of the pejorative is a poor attempt of silencing a “runaway” Hispanic.

This is the American left’s version of the Castrista epithet of “Gusano”  (worm) that applied to any Cuban who stood against the revolution and/or left for the US. “Contrarevolucionario” was used in Nicaragua, but sort of backfired when it was used to as emblem for those fighting against the Sandinistas. In Venezuela, the chose word by Chavez was “escualido”  which means scrawny and it was applied to their alleged thin morals and love for the country and which also backfired when Venezuelans, specially the poor, actually started to become really scrawny because the means of food production had suffered the usual consequences of a Socialist regime managing it.

All the name calling is just a poor attempt to shame Latinos into submit to the narrative of belonging to the Democratic party.  I mean, apparently they own the Chicano vote and they are rightly pissed that the Latinos in the Southeast somehow dared to slight the obvious Liberal Intellect rather than prostate ourselves in front of their illuminated wisdom.

So, once again I fins myself repeating the obvious: Dear American Liberals, just because I roll my R’s and eat beans, does not mean I will mow your lawn and vote straight and only for the Democrats. Please stop being such racist hacks.

Vayan a que les den por el culo.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

9 thoughts on “You gotta love Liberal Race Shame”
  1. Shame the dude can’t be bothered to read your post about all the differences between “hispanics”.

    FWIW none of my ‘hispanic’ friends (which are mostly mexican) think any different than you.

  2. I’ve found that it is best (for me) to treat such stupidity, and obvious hate for anyone not completely aligned with a leftists stilted views, as comic relief.

    And if you really want to watch their heads explode, just let them know that you already know what their next Demo-Lib-Socio-Leftist remarks and epithets will be: They’ll either skulk away in shame or explode in incomprehensible diatribes. Either way it’s funny.
    What’s not funny is that these fools sometimes have other fools, minions, and Leftist Rule Book and Manifesto following lemmings who unquestioningly follow in the same vein ~ not so funny.

  3. The most only place I encounter homophobic slurs these days is from a Progressive that learns I’m a bisexual conservative-libertarian. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever been called a “faggot” as a genuine insult after middle school except from Progressives.

  4. The Democratic party is still acting like what they were 150 years ago — the party of slavery, Jim Crow, and the KKK.

  5. When you merge collectivism (the erasure of all individuality) with identity politics (intrinsic traits are all that matters), you get this sort of sick erasure of all individual agency… and the cognitive dissonance that it causes for a collectivist identarian to encounter someone who isn’t following the program triggers their attack reflex.

    Scientists have discovered that eusocial animals, for example ants, communicate largely with pheromones and have almost “programmed” triggered response to various pheromones. Spray a hive with the “danger” pheromone and they will scatter, draw a trail using the “follow this path to food” pheromone and they’ll follow it anywhere it leads… including right into a hazard like fire or water. Regardless of what their own individual senses tell them, the ant obeys the pheromone. They also identify each other by pheromones unique to each hive. Remove a worker ant from the colony, spray it with pheromones from a rival hive, and the other ants will tear their comrade to shreds. Spray a predator, like an antlion, with the colony’s pheromone and the soldier ants will completely ignore it as it eats the colony.

    As an LBGT conservative, I don’t have the right progressive pheromones. Most progressives will react with confusion, but an “LGBT Activist” will attack because I’m a threat to the hive.

    I can only guess that “Latinx Progressives” treat Miguel the same way.

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