I swear when I saw this article, I thought it was BabylonBee or any of the parody websites.


Country group Lady A, which dropped the word “Antebellum” from its name because of the word’s ties to slavery, has filed a lawsuit against a Black singer who has performed as Lady A for years.

The Grammy-winning vocal group filed the lawsuit Wednesday in federal court after negotiations with Anita White broke down in recent weeks. According to the lawsuit, the band is seeking a ruling that their use of the trademark “Lady A” does not infringe on White’s alleged trademark rights of the same name. The band is not seeking monetary damages.

Lady A, Anita White.

Do these morons have somebody in P.P. that could have told them? “You know guys, if the media gets a hold of this lawsuit, we are gonna look like shit.” But my guess is that the band is pretty much doing the equivalent of a 4 year old throwing a temper tantrum in the supermarket because it was the cereal with prizes.

Dear Lady Assholes Antebellum, this is what you look like:

Will somebody tell that n***** to get the fuck out of the way and stop interrupting the great shit we are doing for the other blacks? We are famous, you bitch! Give it up!

Yep, something like that.



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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

9 thoughts on “Because we are Virtue Signaling Millennials and we want it”
  1. Toddlers, all of them.

    What is the difference between a toddler throwing a tantrum, and a leftist?
    The toddler is easier to reason with.

  2. Well, Miguel, I think the good ole’ American way is called for: Where can we buy Lady A’s records and stuff. Maker her some money. And at same time say FUCK YOU to these asenine candy ass pretend country music artists. Jesus Mary and Joseph, Waylon Jennings and Merle Haggard are spinning in their graves…

  3. Wait. A group of wealthy Southern whites with a professional name that literally means “before the war” — referring to a time when wealthy Southern whites could steal everything from a black person under color of law — is trying to steal the name of a black person, under color of law?

    Wow. You can’t make this stuff up! It’s so unbelievable it breaks Suspension of Disbelief!

    I now officially don’t give a crap about anything they have to say. Their level of intelligence and self-awareness are far too low for me to want to be associated with them in any way.

  4. IANAL
    The problem is the Band actually spent the time and money and filed the paperwork for the Trademark “Lady A” in 2010. So they are the ones that own the name.

    Lady A the singer has the facts that she was actually using the Name “Lady A.” for years, and the band or their lawyers never contested her use of it. If you don’t actively contest the mis-use of your trademark, do you still own it?

    Interesting Lawsuit. The only people that will be happy are the IP lawyers when the lawsuit gets settled in a few years.

    1. If you register a trademark, then fail to defend it when others use it, you’re hosed. That’s the “aspirin” rule.
      One wonders how long Lady A was performing using that tag. If it’s more than a few years, she should win that. Consider that adverse possession takes only 7 years…

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