I guess you have seen in  Social Media bit like “Bad Orange Man To Nominate Anti Gunner for ATF Chief! WE TOLD YOU SO!” but I had also her murmurs of the opposite and via David Hardy, we find out that the NSSF has great regard for Chuck Canterbury.

I hate to repeat myself, but our side is turning out to be our worse enemy lately.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “It is easier to parrot a Chest Thumper line than actually check it out.”
  1. There is not a Politician on Capitol Hill as well as all the State Houses in the country that doesn’t crave an endorsement from the Fraternal Order of Police.

  2. If gunbanners were smart, they could use direct quotes from Chest Thumpers to justify banning practically every gun made. Visit any gun forum and you’ll find “our side” explaining how everything from Hi-Points to H&Ks suck and no one should own one. How many millions of words have been posted “explaining” why no one should own a .25, .32, or .380 handgun? Not to mention the abuse given to “poodle shooters”.

    1. Most gun forums and blogs are packed with lunatics, this place being a rare exception. Most of the gun owners that post on other websites seem less interested in firearms and more interested in administering purity tests to other gun owners, then furiously attacking those who they disagree with, even slightly. In addition to banning practically every gun ever made, those forums are fertile ground for anti’s to find quotes and try to demonstrate to fence sitters how insane gun owners are. And last but not least, they serve as a reminder to those of us who are reasonable and sane that just because other people are gun enthusiasts, doesn’t mean they are friends.

      1. I will admit here that I was a bit in the “Anything but Hi Point” side of things, but I came to realize that even with the reputation of failures, it beats No-Having-A-Gun and its 100% rate of failure.

        There is a video of three miscreants breaking in the house of a single mom (I want to say Detroit) and she only had a Hi Point carbine which she used on them. Guess what? The crooks did not care that it was a Hi Point or a $2,000 Daniel Defense 9mm AR pistol or the $250 POS Hi Point: They ran, one of them with a bullet in him.
        And folks, at the en dof the day that is all that matters.

  3. Yes it is… everyone is so quick to condemn Trump when they have zero facts. I am seriously gettin tired of it. Just F’in STOP you morons. STFD STFU and wait til the facts come out

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