The yesterday I posted this screen capture and we laughed about the dumbness of it.

Apparently, it is not just dumb but the new official Kung Flu narrative:

They have spent 4 full months worth of time, TV news time and gigabytes of information in website on how we are all gonna die attached to a field-expedient compressor, trying to breathe to our deaths, but suddenly dying is no longer dangerous but dismissible? What could be worse than dying?

I know: Trump’s re-election in November.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

10 thoughts on “New Wuhan V Narrative: Fewer deaths is bad.”
  1. “…There’s so many other things that are very dangerous & bad about this virus.”

    OK, like what, exactly?
    Please Dr. Fauci, please tell us what is so horrific about this virus that we need to be terrified of catching it.

    No rush… I’ll wait.

    Anything? Anyone?

    1. Second thought….

      I asked the chief medical officer of my state almost that very question. Please explain what is so horrific about this virus that any of the restriction put in place were warranted?

      The answer I got back was pure political BS. To sum it up:
      1. She had read an article about a mid 20s woman that needed a lung transplant because of the virus. (when asked if there were other contributing factors, the chief medical officer for the State did not know.)
      2. There are a lot of deaths. (when asked about co-morbidity contributing to those deaths, no idea)
      3. Hospitals were overwhelmed. (Could not identify any in the US that were. Was talking about the Utopian socialized medicine systems around the world.)
      4. Finally, and the most laughable, “It effects different people differently.” What? Seriously? So does the common cold, e-coli, herpes, leprosy, and EVERY OTHER disease known to man.

      It is scary headlines, and trying to save their backsides politically. They cannot, at this time, change their tune. They were duped into believing total bullcrap studies, and their ego will not allow them to admit they were wrong.

      1. Is this “chief medical officer” a person with any medical training, or any scientific training? It doesn’t sound that way. Those answers sound more like what you’d get from someone with a B.A. in intersectional basket weaving.

        1. They were the least controversial pablum they could create and likely reviewed, approved, and given to her by her staff Information Officer (Public Relations slug). And for most of the public, this pablum will be 1. New Information, and 2. Enough to Satisfy their limited curiosity.

          Remember a bureaucrat’s highest priority is always to not create a controversy, not to inform people. Controversies make people notice public officials. Public officials that get noticed could also get fired.

      2. They were not duped into anything, they saw their chance to exercise extreme authority and took it.
        People fooled by things generally back off during the second round after heads are cleared. None of the “authorities” are doing this, but doubling down instead.

        1. Agree totally, and the population rolled over and complied without complaints, or even asking questions. Thank god the government did not tell us we had to give out BJs.

  2. Wasn’t last month the scary headline,


    It turned out to be a known rare condition called Kawasaki-something and has completely disappeared from the news?


    I wonder how many doctors are not treating this disease aggressively with therapeutics like Hydroxy Chloriquine because they have a political agenda; or worse they are listening to doctors with an agenda?

    Treatment Plan?: “Yes you have Covid-19, now drink fluids and get plenty of bed rest, take ibuprofen for fever, and call me if it gets worse.”

    A month and a half ago, Chinese Coronavirus hit my parents’ Assisted Living Facility. (So far only three residents and three staff). I talked to my parents’ Doctor, who also had gotten the notice. She was initially hesitant to even add supplements like Vitamins and Zinc. I did convince her to add more Vitamin D and a Zinc Supplement to their diets temporarily.

    We also discussed what treatments were available. Remdesivir was only available in hospital. She was very hesitant about Hydroxy Chloriquine, but I reminded her she had several EKGs of their hearts, and she confirmed the Q(t) were not elongated. I mentioned there were other therapies being investigated like Ivermectin. She said she would ask their COVID Expert about them.

    My Opinion: She was a Geriatric Specialist, but obviously was not an expert on COVID if I knew more about possible treatment options than her. She would likely only use the Corporate Clinic approved treatment plan unless the patient objected.

    Hopefully we will not need to discuss any actual treatment plans for my parents.

    1. “She was a Geriatric Specialist, but obviously was not an expert on COVID if I knew more about possible treatment options than her. “

      But, she’s a doctor, so that makes her an expert on…


      Sorry, i tried to continue with a straight face. Failed miserably.

      Seriously. Even experts in viral diseases, transmission, and treatment can get it wrong too. Yes, Virginia, experts are human too.

      Hope your folks are doing well, and getting the treatment they deserve.

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