What’s a little Antisemitism among Leftists

This joke is factually wrong and perpetuates the lie that Israel is an Apartheid state, but why let that stand in the way of Leftists having a chuckle?

How many times do I have to say it?

Jews, the Left hates you and uses you and will dispose of you as soon as it is convenient to do so.

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I think Killdozers are going to be big business

As seen on the internet:

You know that this guy is going to told on the most patronizing language that his firing was necessary to save the planet and if he’s patient, at some unspecified point in the future he will be retrained for a Green Job, that is if he helps convince those intransigent Republicans to pass the Green New Deal.

You know as well as I that answer will not suffice.

These guys will never be put back to work at anything approaching their previous salaries under a Democrat administration.

I suspect that the condescending pandering from the Democrats will not be taken terribly well.

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The power of conforming to orthodoxy



Because the Left excels at maintaining and enforcing political orthodoxy.

The Left supports Communist totalitarianism over American liberty.

Concentration camps are a feature of that, not a bug.

The Left overlooks Uyghur concentration camps while screaming about “kids on cages” because their moral compass points to Leftist totalitarian authority not right and wrong.

The same people screaming that “kids in cages” are American concentration camps have literally called for concentration camps for Trump supporters.

Well meaning Conservatives have a hard time fathoming this but I needs to be understood.

Good is whatever strengthens their control and bad is whatever weakness it.

Once you understand that, it’s easy to figure out what they are going to do.

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Happy Monday to me! (Updated)

Why yes! That would be a hole in my roof! They needed a bigger hole to get to the small hole that was producing a leak.

He just crawled out of the hole.

Nothing roof related is cheap in South Florida.  $1,300 to find and fix a small leak. That is a hard shave for us and we are still waiting for the AC Maintenance bill. The trip to the upcoming weekend of Blog Shoot will be our official yearly vacation… and the first vacation we have taken in more than a decade. Efffing gas prices going up not helping either.

Oh well.


And finished. That is the original color of the shingles which will disappear in about 6 months to a year.

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