

BLM needs to get hit with a RICO charge

From Louisville:

Cuban community plans rally at NuLu restaurant in response to Black Lives Matter demands

Fernando Martinez, a partner of the Olé Restaurant Group, was one of dozens of business owners in the downtown Louisville district who recently received a letter from protesters laying out demands that aim to improve diversity in the area, which is known for its locally-owned shops and restaurants.

The release states that La Bodeguita de Mima was forced to close July 24 during a demonstration that shut down East Market Street, at which several protesters presented Martinez with the list of demands and said he “better put the letter on the door so your business is not f*cked with.”

The restaurant remained closed the next two days because “management and staff were concerned about safety,” according to the release. “30+ staff members (mostly immigrants) were unable to earn a paycheck.”

The demands and an attached contract, which were created by local organizers and activists, ask NuLu business owners to:

      • Adequately represent the Black population of Louisville by having a minimum of 23% Black staff;
      • Purchase a minimum of 23% inventory from Black retailers or make a recurring monthly donation of 1.5% of net sales to a local Black nonprofit or organization;
      • Require diversity and inclusion training for all staff members on a bi-annual basis;
      • And display a visible sign that increases awareness and shows support for the reparations movement.

These activists demand that the restaurant hire more black workers, and since the restaurant industry is doing horribly because of COVID, that will necessitate the firing of non-black workers.

These activists are also demanding that the owner gives money to the black community with a shakedown of 1.5% of net sales.

If the owner fails to acquiesce to the demands, the protesters will continue to protest, threatening the safety of patrons and workers, which will result in the restaurant shutting down again.

This is a protection racket.

The activists are just masquerading it as “racial justice.”

Black Lives Matter needs to be hammered with a federal RICO violation.  Using protests and threats to shut down businesses that don’t donate to BLM is an organized crime tactic and should be treated accordingly.


Antifa whiz-kids

Genius No. 1:

From the press release by the US Attorney:

U.S. Attorney Billy J. Williams announced today that Edward Thomas Schinzing, 32, has been charged by criminal complaint with using fire to maliciously damage or destroy the Justice Center in downtown Portland on May 29, 2020.

Among those who entered the Justice Center, Schinzing was identified by a comparison with a jail booking photo and a distinctive tattoo of his last name across his upper back. Schinzing spread a fire that started near the front of the office by lighting additional papers on fire and moving them into a drawer of a separate cubicle.


If you are going to break into a federal office building and light it on fire, don’t do it shirtless with your name tattooed on your back.


Genius No. 2:

How many posts have I done in the last couple of weeks about traumatic hand injury from fireworks?

Doofus here things he can launch a bottle rocket death-gripping the stick.

Antifa is really sending its best and brightest to cause havoc in Portland.


The Expanse should be required viewing in film school

I am watching The Expanse again, this time with the wife.

I enjoy watching or reading series like this, where there is extensive world-building, twice (or more) because ever time I ingest it, I pick up more details.

The first go-through is for the plot.  Once you know the plot, you can focus on other things like universe and character development.

The best advice I ever got for reading Dune or Atlas Shrugged is to read the abridged version the first time to understand the plot, then read the full version next and focus on the philosophy the book is really about.

Watching The Expanse a second time, not trying to figure out the mystery and politics, you really develop an appreciation of how incredible some of the characters are.

Honestly, James Holden is one of the most meh characters in the series.

Amos Burton is amazingly complex wonderfully acted.  Every little nugget oh his backstory that gets reveled makes him more empathetic and understandable.

But it is three female characters that this post is about: Chrisjen Avasarala, Camina Drummer, and Roberta “Bobbie” Draper.

Like Holden, I find Naomi Nagata to be somewhat meh.

Avasarala, Drummer, and Draper are the three best female character of the show.  I’d go so far as to say they are the three best female characters in all of sci-fi television, and top five in all of sci-fi movies and TV combines.  They rank up there with Ellen Ripley and Sarah Connor (The Terminator and T2 only).

GySgt Bobbie Draper is an ass-kicker.  They don’t do to her what Hollywood does to all the other female ass-kickers, where they do some sexy dance fighting unrealistic ass kicking.  She just plain ‘ol beats the shit out of people.

She’s more than just an ass-kicker.  She was a dyed-in-the-wool true believer in the Martian cause.  Watching her try to hold fast to her values and believes, and do the right thing, while everything around her changes, from learning that the Martians used her squad to test a protomolecule weapon to the collapse of Martian morale once the Martian/UN cold war comes to an end is a character study.

Avasarala is probably the smartest and most shrewd person in that universe, and probably the smartest female character ever on TV.  She is an intellectual badass.  She commands every room that she is in.  But they also show her soft spots, like her relationship with her husband and grandchildren.  Also, the scene where she is talking about her son with Holden’s mother, reveals so much about her and how much she holds back to maintain her poise as a UN leader.

The costuming they put Avasarala in is part of what makes her so great.  She’s a handsome woman.  Unlike everyone else in the UN, she doesn’t wear boring business attire.  Her wardrobe is beautiful and feminine, with bold colors and big jewels.  She stands out.

Drummer is by far my favorite though, as much as I love Avasarala.  Drummer has most of Avasarala’s shrewdness and command presence but makes up for it with Burton’s willingness to shoot someone herself.  Avasarala, you can tell, is used to ordering people to be killed but isn’t a trigger puller her self.

My favorite scene with Drummer early on is in the second season, where some OPA take over the Tycho Station bridge and one shoots Drummer for not handing over the missiles.  When the bridge is rescued, Drummer takes Alex’s pistol and shoots the two OPA prisoners then walks to sickbay herself.

Drummer displays her leadership as Captain of the Behemoth.  Her speech in Intransigence is awesome.

That’s another thing about Drummer.  The Expanse isn’t afraid to shoot her or crush her spine with a rover.  So many female characters are untouchable because Hollywood is afraid to beat up the sexy female action star.  The Expanse doesn’t do that and it is far better for it.

Every single one of these characters is wonderfully written and wonderfully acted.  They are powerful, each in their own way – brains, brawn, and the combination of the two – and abide by none of the shitty tropes that Hollywood dumps on female characters.

The Expanse needs to be required viewing for all film students.

Writers should stop trying to make “empowered female character” because they all turn out to be shit.  The magic of Avasarala, Draper, and Drummer is that the writers are not trying to make them “empowered female characters,” they are just making awesome characters.


Sunday Music

This is a new song from Alanis Morissette.

(Shut up, I was a teenager in the 90’s, this is the music of my adolescence.)

This is a new topic for a song for her, not the breakup anthems she was known for back in the day.  It’s her mom anthem.  I warn you, it might make the room just a little bit dusty.

Bad shooting: Ego sought Payback?

No idea when or where this happened. If anybody knows, leave us a note in the comments.

I clipped what I feel are the important moments:

Click to enlarge

Here is the issue for me. Yes, she was hit by a physically superior male but she initiated a retreat and was inside a car which will move faster than the man. The fact that she stopped, opened the door and shot the guy almost the moment he arrived back (I am gonna say she already had the gun in hand) makes it a payback, pure and simple.  She drives away showing her path was never unimpeded but she chose to re-engage.  She is going to be very lucky and hopefully find a very dumb DA.  IANAL but my guess she is going to catch at least manslaughter.

Ego will get you in trouble every time you let them make decisions for you.